1 - Endless Bliss - Hüseyin Hilmi Işık

1 - Endless Bliss - Hüseyin Hilmi Işık

1 - Endless Bliss - Hüseyin Hilmi Işık


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Imâm-i Zufar’s words, and then Hasan bin Zayyâd’s. Those<br />

muftîs who are ashâb-i tarjîh (mujtahids within a madhhab)<br />

choose the ones with sound documents from among ijtihâds.<br />

Those who are not mujtahids follow the words which these<br />

have preferred. The words of the muftîs and judges who do not<br />

do so are not acceptable. This comes to mean that in the affairs<br />

which are not chosen by ashâb-i tarjih it is necessary to prefer<br />

the word of Imâm-ı a’zâm. As it is seen, the muftî has to be a<br />

mujtahid in a madhhab. He who is not so is not called a muftî;<br />

he is called a narrator, that is, one who conveys the fatwâ.<br />

Conveyors derive the fatwâs from well-known books. These<br />

books are called mutawâtir news.”]<br />

A namâz may be accaptable if it has been performed in full<br />

observance of its suhurût and âdâb (conditions and rules) and if<br />

the mistakes in performing it have been compensated for<br />

covered by saying the tasbîh, tahmîd and takbîr. Then one<br />

should extend thanks (shukr) to Allahu ta’âlâ for enabling you to<br />

perform namâz. And lastly, with sincerity, one must declare<br />

through one’s heart the kalima-i tawhîd, which indicates that no<br />

one other than Him deserves being worshipped. Such a<br />

performer becomes one of those who performs namâz and who<br />

attains salvation. Oh my Allah! For the love of the highest of<br />

your prophets (alaihi wa ’âlâ âlihimussalawâtu wattaslîmât)<br />

make us among those who perform namâz and attain salvation!<br />

Âmîn.<br />


Sirri Pasha (rahmatullahi ’alaih), the Governor of Baghdad,<br />

wrote in his book entitled Sirr-i furqân, on the seventy-fifth<br />

page of the first volume of its third edition, which was printed in<br />

Istanbul in 1312 A.H.:<br />

A year before writing this book of mine, on a Friday, in Diyâri<br />

Bekr [1] , we were sitting with the notables of the city. The<br />

famous priest of Kaldânî, Abd-i Yasû’, well-known for his<br />

profound learning of the Arabic language and of the knowledge<br />

of religion, was among us. As I introduced those who were with<br />

me to Mehmed Rashid Pasha, the governer of Mosul, my guest,<br />

I said about Abd-i Yasû: “He is very deep in Arabic literature.”<br />

So, eloquence became the major topic of our conversation.<br />

[1] A city in southeast Turkey.<br />

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