1 - Endless Bliss - Hüseyin Hilmi Işık

1 - Endless Bliss - Hüseyin Hilmi Işık

1 - Endless Bliss - Hüseyin Hilmi Işık


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see them look at you. They cannot understand you. They<br />

do not see your superiority.” Sultan Mahmûd Khân (rahmat-<br />

Allâhi ta’âlâ ’alaih) liked these answers very much. His respect<br />

and love for religious savants increased.<br />

No matter what one’s rank or post, it must be understood<br />

that he who attacks Islam is ignorant in religion; he knows<br />

nothing about the Islâmic religion.<br />

A fortunate person who reads and understands the book<br />

Se’âdet-i Ebediyye both will learn religious knowledge and will<br />

get to know Imam-i Rabbânî; thus, his heart becoming inclined,<br />

he will become attached to him. Receiving the nûr which he<br />

(Imâm-i Rabbânî) radiates over the world, he will, unknown to<br />

himself, begin to approach perfection. As an unripe watermelon<br />

ripens and sweetens under the rays of the sun, so will he<br />

mature, thus becoming a perfect person. He will note the<br />

changes in his views of the world and life. He will begin to<br />

experience some hâls, zawks and sweet dreams. He will begin<br />

to dream of Imam-i Rabbânî and of the other Awliyâ, of the<br />

Ashâb-i kirâm and of Rasûlullah, to see their faces when awake<br />

and even to talk with them. His nafs being freed from<br />

unawareness, he will begin to experience the taste of salât and<br />

to take pleasure from worshipping. He will now hate sins, things<br />

that are harâm and bad habits. He will form good habits. He will<br />

do favours for everybody. He will be useful for society, for<br />

people. He will attain, and will also make others attain, eternal<br />

felicity. As Hadrat Sayyed Sharîf Jurjânî, one of the great<br />

savants of the Hanafî madhhab, writes at the end of Sharh-i<br />

mawâqif and at the beginning of Hâshiyatu Sharh-ul-matâlî’<br />

and in Berîqa, p.270, the figures of the Awliyâ show themselves<br />

to their murîds even after their death and give them fayd. To<br />

see them and receive fayd is not easy; it is necessary to hold<br />

the belief of Ahl as-sunnat by learning it from books, to obey the<br />

Sharî’at, and to like and to respect the Awliyâ. It is written in the<br />

book Maraj-ul-bahrayn, “All great men of tasawwuf were of the<br />

Ahl-i sunnat. None of the performers of bid’at reached the<br />

Ma’rifat of Allahu ta’âlâ. The nûr of Wilâyat did not enter their<br />

hearts. The darkness of the bid’at, concerning either worship or<br />

belief, prevented the nûr of Wilâyat from entering their hearts. If<br />

the dirt of bid’at is not removed from the heart, and if the heart<br />

is not ornamented with the Ahl-i sunnat belief, the rays of the<br />

sun of haqîqat will not enter the heart. Such a heart will not be<br />

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