1 - Endless Bliss - Hüseyin Hilmi Işık

1 - Endless Bliss - Hüseyin Hilmi Işık

1 - Endless Bliss - Hüseyin Hilmi Işık


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the difficulty and trouble in doing a worship against obstacles<br />

will exalt the honour of a worship to the skies. Acts of worship<br />

that are done easily and without any obstacles to prevent them<br />

will remain lower. It is for this reason that the higher ones<br />

among men have become higher than the highest ones of<br />

angels. This is because man worships among obstacles. But<br />

angels obey the commandments without any obstacles. During<br />

the time of war, the value of a soldier increases and his one<br />

insignificant deed done in combat becomes more valuable than<br />

all his efforts done in the time of peace. The desires of youth<br />

are things which the nafs and the Devil like, but they are the<br />

enemies of Allahu ta’âlâ. The things that conform with the<br />

Sharî’at are the things which Allahu ta’âlâ likes. It is not worthy<br />

of wise and intelligent people to please the enemies of Allahu<br />

ta’âlâ, while, by doing so, angering the real owner who gives all<br />

blessings. May Allahu ta’âlâ bless us with doing reasonable<br />

actions and protect us against being deceived by the nafs, by<br />

the Devil, or by the sayings and writings of the enemies of<br />

religion! [Especially at a time when the irreligious, those who<br />

ridicule Muslims, are on the increase, and when propaganda<br />

causing Muslim children to deviate from the religion is<br />

spreading, little worship will be given much greater rewards,<br />

provided that it is correct. Our Prophet (sall-Allâhu ’alaihi wa<br />

sallam) declared: “O my Ashâb! You have come at such a<br />

time that you will be destroyed, you will go to Hell, if you<br />

do not do one-tenth of Allah’s commands, though you do<br />

nine-tenths of them! However, there will come such a time<br />

that at that time, Muslims will be saved from Hell, if they do<br />

one-tenth of the commands and cease from doing ninetenths<br />

of them. How lucky for those with îmân at that<br />

time.”]<br />

50 – FIRST VOLUME, 72nd LETTER<br />

This letter, written to Khwâja Jihân, states that he who<br />

wants the Hereafter should not be fond of this world. It<br />

explains how to abandon the world.<br />

May Allahu ta’âlâ give you salvation and health! It is<br />

impossible to obtain the religion together with the world. He who<br />

wants to earn the next world should give up this world. At such<br />

a time as this, it is not easy to give up this world altogether. At<br />

least, it is necessary to give it up nominally, that is, to think of<br />

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