1 - Endless Bliss - Hüseyin Hilmi Işık

1 - Endless Bliss - Hüseyin Hilmi Işık

1 - Endless Bliss - Hüseyin Hilmi Işık


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lessed eyes.<br />

Fakhr-i âlam (sall-Allahu ’alaihi wa sallam) was the most<br />

generous of human beings. He has never been heard to say, “I<br />

don’t have,” about something asked from him. If he had the<br />

thing asked for, he gave it; if he didn’t have it, he didn’t answer.<br />

The Prophet had so many great attributes and had done so<br />

many favours for so many people that the Byzantine emperors<br />

and the Persian shahs could not do enough to compete with<br />

him. But he himself liked to live in inconvenience. He led such a<br />

life that he would not even remember to eat or drink. He never<br />

used words like “Bring something to eat,” or “Cook such and<br />

such food.” He used to eat when they brought the meal to him,<br />

and he used to accept whatever fruit they gave him. Sometimes<br />

he ate very little for months, and he liked hunger. And<br />

sometimes he ate much. He used to eat with three fingers. He<br />

didn’t drink water after meals. He used to drink water while<br />

sitting. When he ate with others, he used to stop eating after<br />

everybody had finished. He used to accept presents from<br />

everybody. In response to someone who had brought him a<br />

present, he used to give much more.<br />

Rasûlullah, together with twelve thousand heroes, after<br />

departing from Medina on the tenth day of Ramadân,<br />

conquered Mecca on Thursday, the twentieth of Ramadân, in<br />

the eighth year of the Hegira. On the following day, Friday,<br />

when reciting the khutbah, he had a black turban around his<br />

blessed head. After staying eighteen days in Mecca, he went to<br />

Hunayn. He used to let the end of his turban hang down. He<br />

used to say, “The turban distinguishes Muslims from<br />

disbelievers.” It was his habit to wear various clothes. When<br />

ambassadors from foreign countries came, he used to adorn<br />

himself. That is, he used to wear precious and beautiful clothes<br />

and expose his beautiful face. First, he used to have a gold<br />

ring, but later he wore a ring with an agete. He used his rign as<br />

a seal. “Muhammadun Rasûlullah” was written on his ring. It is<br />

not permissible for men to wear gold rings in all four madhhabs.<br />

His bed was made of leather filled with date tree shredding.<br />

Sometimes he laid on his bed and sometimes on the leather<br />

laid on the ground, on a mat and sometimes on dry soil. He laid<br />

on his right side putting his blessed palm under his right cheek.<br />

Rasûlullah (sall-Allâhu ’alaihi wa sallam) didn’t accept zakât,<br />

and he didn’t eat such things as raw onions or garlic, and he<br />

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