1 - Endless Bliss - Hüseyin Hilmi Işık

1 - Endless Bliss - Hüseyin Hilmi Işık

1 - Endless Bliss - Hüseyin Hilmi Işık


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ook of Tafsîr entitled Baydâwî that after staying here until the<br />

twenty-third of September, when day and night are of equal<br />

length, they spent the day here and left for Medîna on the<br />

twelfth of Rabî’ul-awwal, a Friday, arriving in the blessed city on<br />

the same day. Later, during the caliphate of ’Umar ul-Fârûq, the<br />

first day of the month of Muharram of that year, which was<br />

sixty-six days before the Hijrat, became the beginning of the<br />

Muslims’ Hijrî kamarî calendar. That first day, according to<br />

historians, was in the year 622 A.D. It is written in Ahmad Ziyâ<br />

bey’s book Ilm-i Hey’et, printed in 1316 [1898 A.D.], that it<br />

corresponds with Friday, the sixteenth of July. The beginning of<br />

Muslim’s Hijrî shamsî year (Hegira solar calendar) is the day<br />

when he entered the village, Kubâ, which was the 20th of<br />

September. The first day of the year of 623 A.D. was in the first<br />

year of the Hegira solar calendar, and lunar calendar.<br />

One solar year contains 365.342 days. And one lunar year<br />

contains 354.367 days, that is, 354 days plus eight hours plus<br />

48.5 minutes.<br />

He went to war twenty-seven times, nine times of which he<br />

attacked as a soldier, and the other times he occupied the rank<br />

of commander-in-chief. He used two types of flags in his holy<br />

wars. His Râya was black. His Liwâ, which was smaller, was<br />

white. We have already explained in the twenty-ninth chapter of<br />

the first part (of the Turkish version) that the banner of the<br />

Ottoman State was designed by Timurtaş Paşa.<br />

In the city of Medina, he passed away before noon on<br />

Monday, Rabî’ul-awwal 12th, 11 [632 A.D.], when he was 62 or<br />

61, according to the calculations done by using the lunar<br />

calendar or the solar calendar, respectively. Without taking his<br />

holy shirt off, he was washed three times, was wrapped with a<br />

new white shrould folded three times, and was buried where his<br />

blessed soul was taken.<br />

Sarwar-î âlam’s (Muhammad) blessed eyes used to sleep,<br />

but his blessed heart would not sleep. He used to go to bed<br />

hungry, but he would feel satiated when he got up. He never<br />

yawned. His blessed body was luminous, and he never cast a<br />

shadow on the ground. Flies didn’t alight on his clothes, nor<br />

would mosquitos or other insects suck his blessed blood. When<br />

he was made Rasûlullah (Allah’s Messenger) by Allahu ta’âlâ,<br />

satans could not ascend to the sky and could not get news any<br />

longer, nor could soothsayers make predictions.<br />

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