1 - Endless Bliss - Hüseyin Hilmi Işık

1 - Endless Bliss - Hüseyin Hilmi Işık

1 - Endless Bliss - Hüseyin Hilmi Işık


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for Everybody), Islam and Christianity, especially in its<br />

chapters under the headings Qur’ân al-kerîm and the<br />

Gospels and The Islamic Religion and Other Religions, and<br />

in the book Could not Answer.]<br />



A commission of Christians from Najrân visited our master<br />

Rasûlullah. Najrân was a city between Hijâz and Yemen. They<br />

consisted of sixty cavalrymen, twenty-four of whom were their<br />

superiors. However, only three of them held the most superior<br />

ranks. Their chief was Abdulmasîh. Of them, Abulhâris bin<br />

Alqama was the most learned. He had read about the<br />

symptoms of the Last Prophet in the Injîl. But, because he was<br />

fond of his worldly rank and fame, he had not converted to<br />

Islâm. Being well-known for his knowledge, he used to be<br />

favoured by the kaisers and used to control many churches. At<br />

any rate, these Christians came to Madina and, after the<br />

afternoon prayer, entered Masjîd-i sharîf. They wore the<br />

ornamented dresses of priests. It being the time for them to<br />

pray, they stood up to pray in Masjîd-i sharîf and Rasûlullah<br />

said, “Let them pray.” They performed it turning towards the<br />

east. Their three superiors began to talk. In the course of their<br />

conversation, once they said, “Allah,” at another time they said,<br />

“the Son of Allah,” and at another time they said, “one of the<br />

three gods,” referring to Hadrat Îsâ. They said that they called<br />

him Allah because he used to enliven the dead, cure the sick,<br />

communicate the unknown, and because he used to make<br />

birds out of mud, which flew when he blew into them. They said<br />

that they called him the Son of Allah because he did not have a<br />

certain father. And they said that he was one of the three,<br />

because Allah said, “We made, we created.” If He was one, He<br />

would have said, “I made, I created.” Rasûlullah ‘sall-Allâhu<br />

alaihi wa sallam’ invited them to the religion. He read some<br />

âyats. They did not believe him. They said, “We believed before<br />

you did.” Rasûlullah said, “You are lying! He who says that<br />

Allah has a son does not have îmân.” They asked, “If he is<br />

not the son of Allah, who is his father then?”<br />

Rasûlullah: Don’t you know that Allahu ta’âlâ never dies, and<br />

He is the only one who keeps everything in existence? As for<br />

Hadrat Îsâ he was non-existent, and he will cease to exist.<br />

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