1 - Endless Bliss - Hüseyin Hilmi Işık

1 - Endless Bliss - Hüseyin Hilmi Işık

1 - Endless Bliss - Hüseyin Hilmi Işık


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Ramadân and, for those who qualify, to go to the city of Mecca<br />

and perform the hajj. It is necessary to believe that it is harâm<br />

to drink wine, to eat pork, to kill a person unjustly, to disobey<br />

one’s parents, to steal, to commit adultery, to appropriate an<br />

orphan’s property, to charge or pay interest when lending or<br />

borrowing money, [for women to go out unvelied or naked, and<br />

to gamble]. If a person with îmân commits a grave sin, his îmân<br />

does not go away, nor does he become a kâfir. He, who says<br />

halâl about a sin, that is, about a harâm, becomes a kâfir. He<br />

who commits a harâm becomes a fâsiq (sinner). One should<br />

say, “I am certainly a Mu’min.” One should say that one has<br />

îmân. One should not say inshâallah (if Allah wills) while saying<br />

that one is a Believer. It may imply doubt. Yes, it may be<br />

permissible to say inshâallah about one’s last breath, yet it is<br />

better not to say so.<br />

The superiority of the four Khalîfas to one another is in<br />

accordance with the sequence of their caliphates. All the<br />

savants of the right way said, “After the prophets ‘alaihim-ussalawâtu<br />

wa-t-taslîmât’ the highest of human beings is Hadrat<br />

Abû Bakr Siddîq ‘radiy-Allâhu anh’. After him is Hadrat ’Umar<br />

Fârûq ‘radiy-Allâhu anh’.” To this poor person, being higher or<br />

superior does not depend on having virtues, attributes or good<br />

habits. It depends on accepting Islâm before others, giving<br />

one’s property more than anybody else for one’s religion, and<br />

risking one’s life. That is, it depends on being a teacher to one’s<br />

successors. The successors learn eveything from their<br />

predecessors. All of these three conditions were found in<br />

Hadrat Siddîq. He accepted Islâm before anybody else and<br />

sacrificed his possessions and his life for the sake of the<br />

religion. This blessing has not been the lot of anybody else<br />

besides him in this Ummat. Rasûlullah declared towards his<br />

death: “To the extent that Abû Bakr did, there is nobody<br />

who sacrificed his property and life for my sake. If I were to<br />

have a friend, I would have made Abû Bakr my friend.” He<br />

declared in a hadîth: “Allahu ta’âlâ sent me to you as a<br />

prophet. You did not believe. Abû Bakr believed me. He<br />

helped me with his property and life. Do not hurt him and<br />

revere and respect him!” He declared in a hadîth: “There will<br />

not come another prophet after me. If there were another,<br />

certainly ’Umar would be a prophet.” Hadrat Amîr ’Alî ‘radiy-<br />

Allâhu anh’ said, “Both Abû Bakr and ’Umar are the highest of<br />

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