1 - Endless Bliss - Hüseyin Hilmi Işık

1 - Endless Bliss - Hüseyin Hilmi Işık

1 - Endless Bliss - Hüseyin Hilmi Işık


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fiqh books in the Hanafî Madhhab, was translated into Turkish<br />

by dear Ahmad Davudoğlu and published in thirteen volumes<br />

by the Shamil Bookstore between the years 1982-1986. There<br />

is no translation of Ayât-i karîmas (Quranic verses) but only<br />

their explanations. When a mujtahîd explained concisely what<br />

he understood from an âyat, this explanation is called a meâl.<br />

When an ayat is said word for word in any foreign language, it<br />

is called a translation. Ayât-i karîmas cannot be translated into<br />

concise and proper forms. Islâmic ’âlims tried to explain Ayât-i<br />

karîmas by using long tafsîrs, not by translating. In my book, I<br />

have mostly used explanations from Tafsîr-i Husaynî. I have<br />

placed the sequence of the numbers of the Ayât-i karîmas as<br />

they appear in the mushaf by Khattât Hâfız ’Uthmân (rahmat-<br />

Allâhi ’alaih).<br />

He who reads this book will accurately learn the faith of his<br />

ancestors; he will not be taken in by the slanders of the<br />

enemies of the religion; he will escape from the superstitions of<br />

the ignorant and from the material and spiritual exploitation of<br />

those who poison the names of sufis (the great men of<br />

tasawwuf). They will be united on the right path and will become<br />

beloved brothers of one another.<br />

A Muslim is the one who is an honest and serious-minded<br />

man. A true Muslim always carries out the orders of Allâhu<br />

ta’âlâ. It would be a sin if we did not obey even one of the<br />

orders of Allâhu ta’âlâ. A Muslim tries to pay the rights a human<br />

has on him, and also his debts to the state. He never resists the<br />

laws of his state. It would be a crime to violate the laws of one’s<br />

state. A Muslim commits neither sins nor crimes. He loves his<br />

country, nation and his flag. He does favours to everybody. He<br />

gives good advice to those who act wrongly. Such Muslims are<br />

loved both by Allâhu ta’âlâ and by His born servants. They lead<br />

a happy and peaceful life.<br />

The forty-eighth edition of all three volumes of the Turkish<br />

version of Se’âdet-i Ebediyye and the eighth edition of the<br />

English version of its major sections in the five fascicles has<br />

now been printed. There are ninety-eight chapters in the first<br />

volume, seventy-two chapters in the second volume and<br />

seventy in the third volume. Of these two hundred and forty<br />

(240) chapters, one hundred and eight (108) chapters have<br />

been compiled from Maktûbât, Vol. II and III by Imâm-i<br />

Rabbânî mujaddid-i alf-i thânî, Ahmad-i Fâruqî, a great Islâmic<br />

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