Growing the Wealth of the Poor - World Resources Institute

Growing the Wealth of the Poor - World Resources Institute

Growing the Wealth of the Poor - World Resources Institute


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CAPACITYW O R L D R E S O U R C E S 2 0 0 8ANATOMY OF AN ISO: THE SELF-EMPLOYED WOMEN’S ORGANIZATION (SEWA), INDIAINCREASED EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIESHIGHER WAGESMORE SECURE AND RESILIENT LIVELIHOODSCOOPERATIVES(Artisans, Vendors, Service Providers, Agriculturalists)■ Markets■ Raw Material Inputs■ Skills and Management Training■ ContractsTRADE GROUP UNIONS(Carpenters, Scrap Collectors, Garment Stitchers )■ Social Security■ Protective Legislation, Lobbying■ Protests, RalliesFINANCIAL SERVICES■ Savings■ Credit■ Life Insurance■ Mortgage Recovery & Asset TitlesBASIC SERVICES■ Child Care■ Literacy/Numeracy Education■ Legal Aid■ Community Health Care■ HousingMore than one million poor women are involved in SEWA, an Indian ISO that combines elements <strong>of</strong> more traditional trade unions andcooperatives to assist small-scale sellers, producers, and laborers.Source: Uph<strong>of</strong>f et al. 1998: ii.88bring lessons learned back to <strong>the</strong>ir own communities), build <strong>the</strong>capacity <strong>of</strong> local organizations to evaluate and solve technical andmanagement issues on <strong>the</strong>ir own, and motivate communities to ahigher level <strong>of</strong> performance. Fur<strong>the</strong>rmore, all <strong>the</strong>se interactionsstreng<strong>the</strong>n <strong>the</strong> network <strong>of</strong> peer groups tackling <strong>the</strong> same resourceand governance issues in a region, opening channels for fur<strong>the</strong>rlearning and collaboration in <strong>the</strong> future.Vertical NetworkingBy virtue <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir position <strong>of</strong> operating between local organizationsand higher-level actors, intermediary support organizationsare inherently suited to <strong>the</strong> task <strong>of</strong> streng<strong>the</strong>ning verticallinkages—connections between local groups and <strong>the</strong> state orcentral government, donors, and various international organizations.In some cases, streng<strong>the</strong>ning such linkages can be asstraightforward as facilitating access <strong>of</strong> local groups to funding,or it can be as delicate as improving relationships between stateagencies and <strong>the</strong> poor and paving <strong>the</strong> way for government tobetter support local natural resource management. Improvingcommunication and exchanges <strong>of</strong> learning can also be as importan<strong>the</strong>re as in horizontal networking, potentially contributing togreater transparency as well as greater adaptability and responsiveness<strong>of</strong> actors at different levels.Capacity-building at <strong>the</strong> local level plays an importantcomplimentary role in this process, since grassroots organizationsinteracting with government agencies need confidence, negotiatingskills, and credibility. An important part <strong>of</strong> an ISO’s verticalnetworking ability is its familiarity with <strong>the</strong> government systemand its skill in transferring to grassroots groups <strong>the</strong> ability to dealwith external actors and negotiate unfamiliar procedures (Carroll1992:122–125; Brown 1991:826; Hooper et al. 2004:136).In some cases, ISOs are able to use <strong>the</strong>ir role as an independentand respected party to create opportunities for equalexchanges between grassroots and government actors. A study <strong>of</strong>nominees <strong>of</strong> UNDP’s Equator Prize found that one advantage <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> program was that it facilitated situations that put community,national, regional, and global leaders all on equal footing, facilitating<strong>the</strong> rate <strong>of</strong> political scaling-up for many <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> communitygroups recognized in <strong>the</strong> process (Hooper et al. 2004:142).Ano<strong>the</strong>r example <strong>of</strong> this process is <strong>the</strong> Carchi Consortium,an initiative that originated as a roundtable for NGOs and universitiesto share information on watershed management in nor<strong>the</strong>rnEcuador. It soon expanded to involve local stakeholders andgovernment representatives. As it began to gain recognition as alegitimate actor in <strong>the</strong> region, <strong>the</strong> consortium evolved into a forumfor local and non-local stakeholders to exchange ideas and address

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