Growing the Wealth of the Poor - World Resources Institute

Growing the Wealth of the Poor - World Resources Institute

Growing the Wealth of the Poor - World Resources Institute


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4Institutions and GovernanceSources: Freedom House, United Nations Human Settlements Programme, <strong>World</strong> Bank, Privacy International, International Telecommunications Union, Transparency InternationalAccess to InformationFreedom Indices Regulatory Barriers toGovernment ExpendituresPress(1–7, 1=most free) Registering Property, 2007(as a percent <strong>of</strong>Freedom Status <strong>of</strong>Civil Political Average Average Cost gross domestic product) Index Freedom <strong>of</strong>Liberties Rights Number <strong>of</strong> to Register Public Public(0–100, 0= InformationIndex Index Days to (percent <strong>of</strong> Health Education {a} Military most free) Legislation2006 2006 Register property value) 2004 2000-2005 20052006 2004DigitalAccessIndex(1–100, 100=most access)2002CorruptionPerceptionsIndex(0–10, 10=least corrupt)2006<strong>World</strong> .. .. .. .. 5.9 4.7 2.5 .. .. .. ..Asia (excl. Middle East) .. .. .. .. 4.3 .. 1.5 .. .. .. ..Armenia 4 5 4 0.4 1.4 3.2 2.7 64 Law Enacted 30 2.9Azerbaijan 5 6 61 0.2 0.9 2.5 2.1 73 Pending Effort 24 2.4Bangladesh 4 4 425 10.3 0.9 2.5 1.1 68 Pending Effort 18 2.0Bhutan 5 6 64 0 3.0 5.6 .. 65 .. 13 6.0Cambodia 5 6 56 4.4 1.7 1.9 1.8 61 .. 17 2.1China 6 7 29 3.6 1.8 .. 2.0 83 .. 43 3.3Georgia 3 3 5 0.1 1.5 2.9 3.1 57 Law Enacted 37 2.8India 3 2 62 7.7 0.9 3.7 2.9 37 Law Enacted 32 3.3Indonesia 3 2 42 10.5 1.0 0.9 0.9 58 Pending Effort 34 2.4Japan 2 1 14 5 6.3 3.7 1.0 20 Law Enacted 75 7.6Kazakhstan 5 6 52 0.9 2.3 2.3 1.1 75 .. 41 2.6Korea, Dem People's Rep 7 7 .. .. 3.0 .. .. 97 .. .. ..Korea, Rep 2 1 11 6.3 2.9 4.6 2.6 30 Law Enacted 82 5.1Kyrgyzstan 4 5 4 4.1 2.3 4.4 2.8 b 64 .. 32 2.2Lao People's Dem Rep 6 7 135 4.2 0.8 2.3 .. 81 .. 15 2.6Malaysia 4 4 144 2.4 2.2 8.0 1.9 65 .. 57 5.0Mongolia 2 2 11 2.2 4.0 5.3 1.7 b 34 .. 35 2.8Myanmar 7 7 .. .. 0.3 1.3 .. 96 .. 17 1.9Nepal 4 5 5 6.4 1.5 3.4 2.0 77 Pending Effort 19 2.5Pakistan 5 6 50 5.3 0.4 2.3 3.4 61 Law Enacted 24 2.2Philippines 3 3 33 4.2 1.4 3.2 0.8 40 Pending Effort 43 2.5Singapore 4 5 9 2.8 1.3 3.7 4.7 66 .. 75 9.4Sri Lanka 4 4 83 5.1 2.0 .. 2.7 58 Pending Effort 38 3.1Tajikistan 5 6 37 1.9 1.0 3.5 2.2 b 76 Law Enacted 21 2.2Thailand 4 7 2 6.3 2.3 4.2 1.1 50 Law Enacted 48 3.6Turkmenistan 7 7 .. .. 3.3 .. .. 96 .. 37 2.2Uzbekistan 7 7 78 1.4 2.4 .. .. 90 Law Enacted 31 2.1Viet Nam 5 7 67 1.2 1.5 .. .. 79 .. 31 2.6Europe .. .. .. .. 7.0 5.3 1.9 .. .. .. ..Albania 3 3 47 3.5 3.0 2.9 1.4 50 Law Enacted 39 2.6Austria 1 1 32 4.5 7.8 5.5 0.7 21 Law Enacted 75 8.6Belarus 6 7 231 0.1 4.6 6.0 1.2 88 .. 49 2.1Belgium 1 1 132 12.7 6.9 6.2 1.2 11 Law Enacted 74 7.3Bosnia and Herzegovina 3 3 331 5 4.1 .. 1.8 45 Law Enacted 46 2.9Bulgaria 2 1 19 2.3 4.6 4.2 2.4 34 Law Enacted 53 4.0Croatia 2 2 174 5 6.2 4.7 1.6 39 Law Enacted 59 3.4Czech Rep 1 1 123 3 6.5 4.5 1.8 20 Law Enacted 66 4.8Denmark 1 1 42 0.6 7.1 8.4 1.4 10 Law Enacted 83 9.5Estonia 1 1 51 0.5 4.0 5.7 1.6 16 Law Enacted 67 6.7Finland 1 1 14 4 5.7 6.5 1.2 9 Law Enacted 79 9.6France 1 1 123 6.1 8.2 5.9 2.5 21 Law Enacted 72 7.4Germany 1 1 40 5.2 8.2 4.7 1.4 16 Pending Effort 74 8.0Greece 2 1 23 4 4.2 4.0 4.5 28 Law Enacted 66 4.4Hungary 1 1 63 11 5.7 5.9 1.3 21 Law Enacted 63 5.2Iceland 1 1 4 2.4 8.3 8.1 0.0 9 Law Enacted 82 9.6Ireland 1 1 38 10.2 5.7 4.5 0.6 15 Law Enacted 69 7.4Italy 1 1 27 0.6 6.5 4.9 1.8 35 Law Enacted 72 4.9Latvia 1 1 54 2 4.0 5.3 1.7 19 Law Enacted 54 4.7Lithuania 1 1 3 0.7 4.9 5.2 1.8 18 Law Enacted 56 4.8Macedonia, FYR 3 3 98 3.5 5.7 3.4 2.2 49 Pending Effort 48 2.7Moldova, Rep 4 3 48 0.9 4.2 4.3 0.3 65 Law Enacted 37 3.2Ne<strong>the</strong>rlands 1 1 5 6.2 5.7 5.3 1.6 11 Law Enacted 79 8.7Norway 1 1 3 2.5 8.1 7.7 1.6 10 Law Enacted 79 8.8Poland 1 1 197 0.5 4.3 5.6 1.8 21 Law Enacted 59 3.7Portugal 1 1 42 7.4 7.0 5.9 2.1 14 Law Enacted 65 6.6Romania 2 2 150 2.8 3.4 3.6 2.1 44 Law Enacted 48 3.1Russian Federation 5 6 52 0.3 3.7 3.7 3.7 72 Pending Effort 50 2.5Serbia {c} 2 3 .. .. 7.3 3.3 2.7 40 Pending Effort 45 3.0Slovakia 1 1 17 0.1 5.3 4.4 1.8 20 Law Enacted 59 4.7Slovenia 1 1 391 2 6.6 6.0 1.7 20 Law Enacted 72 6.4Spain 1 1 18 7.1 5.7 4.3 1.0 21 Law Enacted 67 6.8Sweden 1 1 2 3 7.7 7.5 1.6 10 Law Enacted 85 9.2Switzerland 1 1 16 0.4 6.7 6.1 1.0 11 Pending Effort 76 9.1Ukraine 2 3 93 3.3 3.7 6.4 2.4 53 Law Enacted 43 2.8United Kingdom 1 1 21 4.1 7.0 5.5 2.6 19 Law Enacted 77 8.6Middle East & N. Africa .. .. .. .. 3.5 .. 4.8 .. .. .. ..Afghanistan 5 5 250 7 0.7 .. .. 69 .. .. ..Algeria 5 6 51 7.5 2.6 .. 2.8 61 .. 37 3.1Egypt 5 6 193 1 2.2 .. 2.8 61 .. 40 3.3Iran, Islamic Rep 6 6 36 10.6 3.2 4.7 4.5 84 .. 43 2.7Iraq 6 6 8 6.3 4.2 .. .. 71 .. .. 1.9Israel 2 1 144 7.5 6.1 7.3 7.9 28 Law Enacted 70 5.9Jordan 4 5 22 10 4.7 .. 7.7 61 .. 45 5.3Kuwait 4 4 55 0.5 2.2 5.1 5.7 56 .. 51 4.8Lebanon 4 5 25 5.9 3.2 2.6 3.8 b 60 .. 48 3.6Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 7 7 .. .. 2.8 .. 1.9 b 96 .. 42 2.7Morocco 4 5 47 4.9 1.7 6.7 4.3 61 .. 33 3.2Oman 5 6 16 3 2.4 3.6 12.2 b 70 .. 43 5.4Saudi Arabia 6 7 4 0 2.5 6.8 8.2 79 .. 44 3.3Syrian Arab Rep 6 7 34 28.1 2.2 .. 6.2 b 84 .. 28 2.9Tunisia 5 6 49 6.1 .. 8.1 1.5 83 .. 41 4.6Turkey 3 3 6 3.1 5.6 4.0 3.2 48 Law Enacted 48 3.8United Arab Emirates 5 6 6 2 2.0 1.3 1.9 65 .. 64 6.2Yemen 5 5 21 3.9 1.9 9.6 5.6 81 .. 18 2.6218

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