Growing the Wealth of the Poor - World Resources Institute

Growing the Wealth of the Poor - World Resources Institute

Growing the Wealth of the Poor - World Resources Institute


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W O R L D R E S O U R C E S 2 0 0 8252concession model and, 129–130, 130, 135conservation dividend and, 133–134, 134creation <strong>of</strong>, 127failure <strong>of</strong> local NGOs to work with communities, 167future planning for, 137–139, 140initial efforts <strong>of</strong>, 127–128intermediaries, skill building with, 131–133key achievements <strong>of</strong>, 128lessons from, 139Maya Biosphere Reserve, 126, 127, 129, 130, 131, 134, 137,139, 163, 164, 201non-timber forest products and, 126, 133, 136–137organizational scaling up, 139–140participatory decision-making and, 163paternalism trap and, 133political scaling up, 140processing and wood products and, 136quality life, improving, 135resentment <strong>of</strong> local government toward, 163resource tenure and program success, 160scaling up, 139–141tax collection and distribution and, 163women and, 133Guinea, conservation and regeneration projects in, 156–157Guinea-Bissau, fishery access agreements in, 183Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation (India), 108Gum trees, research on, 171Haiti, watershed management in, 62Hassan, Bob, 169Health servicespublic health expenditure, 221in Senegal, 26HIV/AIDS, 33, 102, 185, 208, 209Hondurasassociations in, 105concession model in, 127, 141resources management and <strong>the</strong> poor in, 16–17Honey Care Africa, Ltd. (Kenya), 56, 57, 58, 60Horizontal networking, 7, 15, 57, 86–88Human rights, 221IIFAD. See International Fund for Agricultural DevelopmentIlliassou, Fatima, 153ILO. See International Labour OrganizationInclusivenesscapacity and lack <strong>of</strong>, 76–77large-scale resource extraction and, 183participatory decision-making and, 65–66Income. See Environmental incomeIncome equality, 23Indiaaccountability <strong>of</strong> local government in, 93associations in, 105, 107bureaucratic regulation as obstacle to community forestmanagement, 170cooperatives in, 97, 108Equator Prize finalist from, 58forest tenure program in, 53Gokulpura-Goverdhanpura Integrated WatershedManagement, 19gram sabha (village assembly) and forest association in, 73infrastructure investment in, 178insurance industry in, 183land leasing arrangements in, 53local institutions in, 72medicinals market in, 99micr<strong>of</strong>inance in, 180networking in, 87NGOs, role in, 73research assistance in, 171resilience and, 200Self-Employed Women’s Organization (SEWA), 88, 89small forestry enterprises in, 168Tank User Groups in, 24telecommunications in, 177watershed management practices in, 13, 55, 61, 82, 85, 167Watershed Organisation Trust. See Watershed OrganisationTrust (WOTR, India)Indigenous peoples in Honduras, 16–17Indo-German Watershed Development Program, 78IndonesiaEquator Prize finalist from, 58forest tenure program in, 53–54locally managed marine area (LMMA) in, 38, 39, 41palm oil business in, 168, 171, 174plywood export market in, 169state assistance programs, effectiveness <strong>of</strong>, 174Infant mortality rate, 208, 209Informal sectors and connection, 107–108Information, access to, 55, 198, 200Infrastructurecommunity-driven infrastructure, 178–179financing from natural resource revenues, 183improvement <strong>of</strong> physical infrastructure, 177–179Senegal’s National Rural Infrastructures Program, 26Institutional choice, 24, 163Institutional scaling up, 11Insurance industry, 182–184Intangible capital, 25, 25Integrated Rural Development and Nature Conservation(Namibia), 33Integration <strong>of</strong> enterprise support initiatives, 199Interagency coordination, 7, 73, 166.See also Intermediary support organizations (ISOs)

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