Floyd County Thoroughfare Plan - Floyd County Indiana - State of ...

Floyd County Thoroughfare Plan - Floyd County Indiana - State of ...

Floyd County Thoroughfare Plan - Floyd County Indiana - State of ...


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<strong>Floyd</strong> <strong>County</strong>, <strong>Indiana</strong><strong>Floyd</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Thoroughfare</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>Section 4–Alternatives Evaluationk. Old Vincennes Road and Schreiber RoadCurrently, traffic operations at Old Vincennes Road and Schreiber Road areacceptable. With no capacity improvements the intersection will continue to operateacceptably in 2030.Although no capacity expansions are required for this intersection, to accommodatethe right-in right-out intersection at Old Vincennes Road and Duffy Road, a southapproach should be constructed that links to Duffy Road. With this configuration, theintersection will alsorequire signalization. Allapproaches should beconstructed with a left-turnbay and a shared throughrightlane. Constructing thesouth approach will alsoallow for the possiblefuture extension <strong>of</strong>Schreiber Road to WestWillis Road.Operations modelingindicates that withforecasted AM and PMpeak hour volumes, theintersection configurationshown in Figure 4.01-13operates at LOS B duringboth peak hours. Allapproaches operate atLOS D or better.Figure 4.01-13Old Vincennes Road andSchreiber Road Improvementsl. Old Vincennes Road and Luther RoadCurrently, traffic operations at Old Vincennes Road and Luther Road are acceptable.Choosing not to perform any capacity expansion will result in poor traffic operationsby 2030. The intersection will operate at LOS E during the AM peak hour if noimprovements are made.The existing intersection is a three-way stop-controlled intersection with westboundOld Vincennes Road traffic not being required to stop. It is recommended that theintersection be converted to a four-way stop and that left-turn bays be added to allapproaches.Prepared by Strand Associates, Inc. ® 4-16KRH:pll\S:\@SIECO\001--050\046\008\Wrd\<strong>Thoroughfare</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>\Draft 07-19-07\S4-Alternative Evaluation 07-19-07.doc\072007

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