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TYPE OF EMPLOYMENT dWOMEN’S EARNINGSCOMPARED TO THEIRSPOUSES EARNINGS d% notemployed% employedbut with no payWomen Men More Less% employed with pay(either cash, cash & inkind, in kind only)% notemployed% employedbut with nopay% employed withpay (either cash,cash & in kind, inkind only)(%)About thesame asspouseISOCOUNTRYCODE ΨCentral and Eastern Europe and Central Asia61.0 26.8 12.2 9.7 33.5 56.8 12.9 46.6 18.0 ALB65.8 8.1 26.1 13.4 9.9 76.7 6.7 55.5 28.0 ARM79.3 3.5 17.2 15.2 11.9 72.9 13.9 44.0 31.1 AZE.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. BLR.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. BIH.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. BGR.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. HRV.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. CYP.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. CZE.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. EST.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. GEO.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. HUN.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. KAZ69.8 2.9 27.3 13.1 10.9 76.0 9.7 44.7 41.3 KGZ.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. LVA.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. LTU.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. MNE.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. POL42.6 5.2 52.2 29.4 1.3 69.3 .. .. .. MDA.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ROU.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. RUS.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. SRB.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. SVK.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. SVN55.7 12.3 32.0 .. .. .. 8.8 67.8 13.7 TJK.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. MKD44.3 32.1 23.6 .. .. .. .. .. .. TUR.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. TKM31.4 2.5 66.1 13.6 3.4 83.0 17.9 58.3 20.4 UKR.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. UZBEast Asia and the Pacific.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. BRN9.8 3.5 86.7 2.2 2.8 95.0 10.3 57.5 31.1 KHM.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. CHN.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. PRK.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. FJI.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. HKG30.4 27.9 41.7 1.1 11.9 87.0 11.1 60.3 23.1 IDN.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. KIR251

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