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YOUTHUNEMPLOYMENT RATE ¥OCCUPATIONAL SEGREGATION(SELECT OCCUPATIONAL GROUPS) aNON-AGRICULTURALINFORMALEMPLOYMENT aUNADJUSTEDGENDER PAYGAP* , aFemaleMaleManagerial.professional andtechnical positionsClerical. servicesand salesworkersPlant andmachineoperatorsFemale2013 2000-2013 2004-2010 2008-2014(% of total labour forceaged 15-24)(Female as % of total employment)Male(% of total non-agriculturalemployment)(%)ISOCOUNTRYCODE Ψ65.9 23.2 36.5 11.1 1.9 .. .. 3.4 n, z SYR29.3 32.0 33.0 25.3 38.3 .. .. .. TUN17.0 8.1 19.4 36.9 0.7 .. .. 29.9 c, an ARE53.7 20.3 9.9 5.0 1.6 .. .. .. YEMSouth Asia22.8 16.4 .. .. .. .. .. .. AFG9.5 9.0 12.5 21.7 4.5 .. .. .. BGD6.8 6.5 30.1 56.3 4.2 .. .. .. BTN11.3 10.3 .. .. .. 84.7 83.3 32.6 c IND41.7 26.4 32.1 16.2 1.3 .. .. 25.0 ao IRN36.4 18.7 42.4 45.0 4.1 .. .. 29.2 MDV3.3 5.9 28.4 37.4 6.2 .. .. 40.5 c, f, ak NPL11.9 7.5 9.6 2.5 0.8 78.6 75.8 38.5 d, e PAK24.0 14.1 41.5 35.8 11.5 55.7 ap 65.2 ap 31.5 c, e LKASub-Saharan Africa11.1 10.1 .. .. .. .. .. .. AGO1.8 1.5 .. .. .. .. .. .. BEN39.9 28.7 47.2 66.5 10.4 .. .. 2.7 d BWA3.7 6.0 .. .. .. .. .. .. BFA11.4 9.9 .. .. .. .. .. .. BDI11.4 10.4 .. .. .. .. .. .. CPV7.9 7.0 .. .. .. .. .. 39.2 r, aq CMR13.8 11.4 .. .. .. .. .. .. CAF11.3 10.3 .. .. .. .. .. .. TCD11.4 10.3 .. .. .. .. .. .. COM11.2 10.2 .. .. .. .. .. .. COG5.1 6.1 .. .. .. 82.8 60.5 .. CIV14.7 13.8 .. .. .. .. .. 37.1 f, n COD.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. DJI13.2 12.0 .. .. .. .. .. .. GNQ11.4 10.3 .. .. .. .. .. .. ERI12.0 4.4 31.7 65.2 14.6 .. .. 31.5 c, ae ETH40.6 30.6 .. .. .. .. .. .. GAB11.2 10.2 24.4 57.0 2.0 .. .. .. GMB10.0 7.4 39.1 74.4 5.8 .. .. 33.3 n GHA0.8 2.0 58.6 59.2 0.0 .. .. .. GIN11.7 10.9 .. .. .. .. .. .. GNB17.3 16.8 .. .. .. .. .. .. KEN41.2 27.6 56.7 56.2 49.0 .. .. .. LSO5.6 3.4 33.3 64.9 15.4 72.0 46.7 .. LBR5.7 4.7 40.9 65.8 15.9 .. .. 26.0 c, d MDG14.4 12.5 .. .. .. .. .. 39.2 ar MWI14.4 8.3 .. .. .. .. .. 62.5 r, aq MLI38.7 44.5 .. .. .. .. .. .. MRT32.3 17.0 39.5 47.2 22.6 18.1 14.9 29.7 as MUS14.6 13.9 .. .. .. .. .. .. MOZ285

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