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YOUTHUNEMPLOYMENT RATE ¥OCCUPATIONAL SEGREGATION(SELECT OCCUPATIONAL GROUPS) aNON-AGRICULTURALINFORMALEMPLOYMENT aUNADJUSTEDGENDER PAYGAP* , aFemaleMaleManagerial.professional andtechnical positionsClerical. servicesand salesworkersPlant andmachineoperatorsFemale2013 2000-2013 2004-2010 2008-2014(% of total labour forceaged 15-24)(Female as % of total employment)Male(% of total non-agriculturalemployment)(%)ISOCOUNTRYCODE Ψ.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 17.2 d, e, r LIE18.9 19.5 45.8 57.6 7.9 .. .. 12.9 e LUX12.0 15.8 39.1 55.5 22.3 .. .. 23.9 MLT.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. MCO11.2 10.8 45.4 67.3 9.0 .. .. 42.4 d NLD16.3 15.4 50.5 70.4 16.0 .. .. 30.8 c, d, s NZL7.5 10.7 46.4 68.4 13.5 .. .. 12.1 d, e NOR39.5 36.3 49.4 63.2 33.2 .. .. 17.8 c PRT.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. SMR56.7 57.8 46.6 60.9 13.1 .. .. 23.0 t ESP22.6 25.1 50.2 68.4 15.6 .. .. 11.0 u SWE8.8 8.9 44.8 67.3 17.5 .. .. 38.3 c, d, r CHE17.8 22.5 45.8 68.1 11.4 .. .. 36.2 d GBR14.2 17.2 51.4 59.5 .. .. .. 17.4 e, r USAEast Asia and the Pacific12.8 10.8 41.3 42.4 5.6 .. .. .. BRN0.8 0.7 32.8 63.3 7.0 .. .. 27.4 f KHM8.1 11.7 43.8 45.0 .. 35.5 v 30.0 v 22.9 w CHN8.6 11.1 .. .. .. .. .. .. PRK25.1 15.6 .. .. .. .. .. 14.9 x FJI7.6 10.6 40.2 64.3 3.1 .. .. 30.0 r HKG22.1 21.2 43.7 50.6 14.3 72.9 y 72.3 y 21.6 d IDN.. .. 49.0 54.6 3.6 .. .. .. KIR2.6 4.3 .. .. .. .. .. .. LAO11.8 10.5 39.3 55.6 20.9 .. .. 3.2 c, d, e MYS.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. MHL.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. FSM9.7 8.8 57.5 66.6 6.5 .. .. 15.1 c, z MNG10.9 8.9 .. .. .. .. .. 12.2 f, aa MMR.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. NRU.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. PLW5.4 3.9 .. .. .. .. .. .. PNG18.6 15.4 52.0 54.4 12.2 70.2 69.9 -3.2 c, f PHL8.9 9.5 43.7 52.6 13.3 .. .. 31.9 c, ab KOR.. .. 48.7 50.5 14.8 .. .. 14.1 d WSM11.3 9.4 42.5 64.6 15.8 .. .. 11.1 c, d, e, r SGP10.9 8.9 .. .. .. .. .. .. SLB3.3 2.9 50.2 61.1 32.2 43.5 41.2 2.5 c, d, e THA18.7 10.1 35.4 36.4 .. .. .. .. TLS.. .. 39.7 60.7 2.0 .. .. .. TON.. .. 44.1 63.4 .. .. .. .. TUV.. .. 40.1 51.9 17.4 .. .. .. VUT6.2 4.8 50.4 61.5 36.5 61.6 65.4 9.4 d, s VNMLatin America and the Caribbean.. .. 52.6 70.7 6.3 .. .. .. ATG281

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