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ANNEX 3:RIGHT AT WORK: LAWS, POLICIES AND WORKING CONDITIONSLAWS MANDATING GENDER EQUALITYMATERNITY AND PATERNITY LEAVEISOCOUNTRYCODE ΨCOUNTRIESAND AREASEqualremunerationfor work ofequal valueNondiscriminationbased ongender inhiringBanning sexualharassment inemploymentMinimumlength of paidmaternityleaveWagespaid duringmaternityleaveFunding formaternity leave2013Minimumlength ofpaternityleave2014(in weeks)(% of totalwage)Source(in days)LBY Libya .. .. No 14 50 aj Mixed 3MAR Morocco Yes Yes Yes d 14 100 Social insurance 3 fOMN Oman No No No 7 100 Employer ..QAT Qatar .. .. Yes 7 100 Employer 0SAU Saudi Arabia No No No 10 50 ak Employer 1 fPSE State of Palestine No No No 10 100 Employer ..SYR Syrian Arab Republic No No Yes c 17 100 Employer 6TUN Tunisia No No Yes d 4 67 Social insurance 1ARE United Arab Emirates No No Yes d 6 100 Employer 0YEM Yemen No No No 9 100 Employer 0South AsiaAFG Afghanistan .. .. No 13 100 Employer 0BGD Bangladesh Yes No Yes c 16 100 Employer 10 fBTN Bhutan .. .. Yes c .. .. .. ..IND India No Yes Yes 12 100 Social insurance 0IRNIran (Islamic Republic No No Yes d 13 an 67 ao Social insurance 0of)MDV Maldives .. .. .. .. .. .. ..NPL Nepal No No Yes d 7 100 Employer 0PAK Pakistan No No Yes 12 100 Employer 0LKA Sri Lanka No No Yes c 12 100 Employer 0Sub-Saharan AfricaAGO Angola Yes Yes No 13 100 Social insurance 0BEN Benin Yes Yes Yes c 14 90 Mixed 10 fBWA Botswana No No Yes d 12 50 Employer 0BFA Burkina Faso Yes No Yes d 14 100 Social insurance 10 fBDI Burundi Yes Yes Yes c 12 100 Mixed 15 apCPV Cabo Verde .. .. .. 9 90 Social insurance 0CMR Cameroon No No No j 14 100 Social insurance 10 fCAFCentral African.. .. Yes d 14 50 Social insurance 10 fRepublicTCD Chad Yes Yes No 14 100 Social insurance 10 fCOM Comoros .. .. .. 14 100 Employer 10 fCOG Congo No No Yes d 15 100 Mixed 10 fCIV Côte d'Ivoire Yes Yes Yes c 14 100 Social insurance 10 fCOD Democratic Republic of No No Yes 14 67 Employer 2 fthe CongoDJI Djibouti .. .. .. 14 100 Mixed 3 fGNQ Equatorial Guinea .. .. Yes d 12 75 Social insurance 0ERI Eritrea .. .. Yes d 9 .. aq Employer 0ETH Ethiopia No No No j 13 100 Employer 5GAB Gabon No No No j 14 100 Social insurance 10 fGMB Gambia .. .. No 12 100 Employer 0GHA Ghana No Yes No 12 100 Employer 0GIN Guinea Yes No No 14 100 Mixed 0GNB Guinea-Bissau .. .. No 9 100 Mixed 0KEN Kenya Yes No Yes c 13 100 Employer 14 f

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