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285. This estimation is based on a threshold of 41.1health workers per 10,000 populations that arenecessary to provide quality services to all inneed. ILO 2014a.286. UNESCO 2014b.287. See Chapter 4 for further discussion onmacroeconomics, public expenditure and publicsector employment.288. Budig and Misra 2010.289. UNESCO 2014a.290. Ghosh 2012.291. Htun and Weldon 2014.292. Rubery and Grimshaw 2009.293. Baden and Pionetti 2011; Agarwal 2014.294. Kabeer 2003.295. Vogt 2014.296. Kainer 2006.297. Cobble 2012.298. Exceptions include Sharan Burrow, GeneralSecretary of the International Trade UnionConfederation (ITUC); Frances O’Grady, GeneralSecretary of the Trade Unions Congress (TUC)in the United Kingdom; and Rosa Pavenelli,General Secretary of PSI.299. ILO and ICFTU 2002.300. Bouaffre and Sechi 2014.301. Cobble 2012.302. Ibid.303. See, for example, Women in InformalEmployment: Globalizing and Organizing(WIEGO), a global network that supportsorganizations of informal workers with a focuson the working poor, especially women (WIEGO2015c).304. Kabeer, Milward et al. 2013.305. Pollack 2013.306. Tripp 2014.307. SEWA 2009.308. Chen 2015.309. ILO 2013c.310. Cornwall et al. 2013.311. Seshu 2013.CHAPTER 31. Midgley 2009.2. UN General Assembly 2010.3. UN CESCR 2003.4. ILO and WHO 2009; ILO 2011c; ILO 2012c.5. Mackintosh and Tibandebage 2006; Nanda2002.6. Cornia et al. 1987; UNICEF 1989; Ortiz andCummins 2013; UN Women 2014b.7. Jolly et al. 2014.8. Houtzager 2005.9. UN General Assembly 2013a.10. Utting et al. 2012.11. ILO 2011c.12. Ibid.13. See Chapters 1 and 2 for further discussion ofprogress towards gender equality in education.14. UNRISD 2010a; ILO 2010b; ILO 2011c; UN DESA2013a; UNDP 2014b.15. Korpi and Palme 1998; Mkandawire 2005.16. This part of the chapter only discusses transfersin cash. Social transfers can also be providedin kind through, for example, the distribution ofgoods such as food or the provision of servicessuch as health care, which are discussed in thesecond part of the chapter.17. Sepulveda et al. 2012.18. Barrientos and Niño-Zarazúa 2010a; Hanlon etal. 2010.19. Benería and Floro 2006; Cook and Kabeer 2010.20. Kabeer 2007.21. OECD 2011.22. OECD 2014b.23. Gornick and Jäntti 2014.24. ECLAC 2006.25. Children’s Institute 2011.26. ISSA 2010.27. UN DESA 2013d.28. Ibid.29. Cook and Dong 2011.30. Gornick and Jäntti 2014.31. Ibid.32. Although, it is difficult to unequivocally allocatehousehold income to individual householdmembers, some income streams, such asearnings and certain pensions, can reasonablybe individually assigned.33. UN Women 2014b.34. DFID UK et al. 2009; UNICEF 2012.35. Daly 2014.36. Ibid.37. WBG 2012.38. Dwyer and Bruce 1988.39. Fiszbein et al. 2009.40. Barrientos and Niño-Zarazúa 2010a; DFID UK2011.41. DFID UK 2011; Jones et al. 2008.42. Bhatnagar et al. 2003.43. Molyneux 2008.44. Molyneux 2007.45. Ibid.46. Baird et al. 2013.47. Kabeer, Assaad et al. 2013; Soares et al. 2007.48. Eyal and Woolard 2011.49. Escobar Latapí and González de la Rocha 2009.50. Gbedemah et al. 2010; OPM 2013.51. UNRISD 2010a.52. Sepúlveda et al. 2012: 39; see also Budlender2014a.53. Adato 2000: vii.54. Goldblatt 2005; Molyneux and Thomson 2011.55. Sepúlveda et al. 2012: 46.56. Goldblatt 2003, 2005; Lee-Gong 2010.57. Adato and Roopnaraine 2004, cited inBradshaw and Quiros 2008.58. Molyneux 2014.59. Molyneux 2007; Chant 2008b.60. Sepúlveda et al 2012.61. Jones et al. 2011; Molyneux and Thomson 2011;Cookson 2014.62. Budlender 2014a.63. Baird et al. 2011; Freeland 2013.64. Budlender and Woolard 2006.65. Baird et al. 2011.66. Rocha and Soares 2009.67. Cornwall 2014.68. Sholkamy 2011.69. ILO 2014e.70. ILO 2014h.71. Antonopoulos 2007.72. Budlender 2009.73. The Government of South Africa 2012.74. Dasgupta and Sudarshan 2011.75. Chopra 2009.76. Sudarshan 2011; Pankaj and Tankha 2010;Narayanan 2008.77. Nandi and Tavares 2014.78. Golbert 2006.79. The Government of South Africa 2009.80. Budlender 2014c.81. Razavi 2011.82. Dasgupta and Sudarshan 2011.83. Ibid.84. Razavi et al. 2012.85. Tcherneva and Wray 2007.86. Use of temporary work opportunities atbelow market wages is not, however, asustainable approach to delivering careservices. Part II section 3 of this chapterdiscusses the provision of care services inmore detail.87. Hoddinott et al. 2013.88. Jones, Tafere et al. 2010; Holmes et al. 2011.89. Lavers 2014.90. Berhane et al. 2013.91. Ibid.92. Jones, Tafere et al. 2010.93. Ibid.94. Unless indicated otherwise, ‘older people’ inthis chapter refers to women and men abovethe age of 60.95. UN DESA 2013d.96. ILO 2014h.97. Holzmann et al. 2009.98. Arza 2014.99. OECD 2011.100. Falkingham and Vlachantoni 2012.101. Arza 2014.102. Ibid. According to ILO 2014h, 77 out of 178countries have only contributory schemes,while another 77 combine contributory withnon-contributory (means-tested or universal)schemes.103. Some of the schemes to which men contributepredominantly, however, include someprotection for their wives—if they outlivethem—in the form of widows’ pensions.104. Arza 2014.105. Ibid.106. Ibid.107. Arenas de Mesa and Montecinos 1999; Fultzand Steinhilber 2003; Fultz 2006; Dion 2008;Müller 2010.108. Arenas de Mesa 2010; Staab 2014.311

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