section 7 - Index of

section 7 - Index of

section 7 - Index of


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ROL Rotate Left ROLOperation:r47 24c.-I,-_ ... _____ b(parallel move)Assembler Syntax:ROL D (parallel move)Description: Rotate bits 47-24 <strong>of</strong> the destination operand D one bit to the left and storethe result in the destination accumulator. Prior to instruction execution, bit 47 <strong>of</strong> D isshifted into the carry bit C, and, prior to instruction execution, the value in the carry bit Cis shifted into bit 24 <strong>of</strong> the destination accumulator D. This instruction is a 24-bit operation.The remaining bits <strong>of</strong> the destination operand D are not affected.Example:ROL A1 #314,N2;rotate A1 one left bit, update N2Before ExecutionAfter ExecutionA 1~ ___ $_O_o:_oo_oo_oo_:o_oo_o_oo_~ A 1~ ___ $_O_O:O_O_OO_01_:0_00_OO_0 __ ~SR 1L-_________ $O_3_01 __--'SR 1~ ________ $O_30_0 __ ~Explanation <strong>of</strong> Example: Prior to execution, the 56-bit A accumulator contains thevalue $00:000000:000000. The execution <strong>of</strong> the ROL A instruction shifts the 24-bit valuein the A1 register one bit to the left, shifting bit 47 into the carry bit C, rotating the carry bitC into bit 24, and storing the result back in the A 1 register.

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