European Identity - Individual, Group and Society - HumanitarianNet

European Identity - Individual, Group and Society - HumanitarianNet

European Identity - Individual, Group and Society - HumanitarianNet


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EUROPE: MEANING AND MOTIVE 57reality. Let us not beat about the bush: in this day <strong>and</strong> age the fact ofthe matter is that a combination of capital <strong>and</strong> certain reactionarymovements, ill-informed grey- or black-shirted populism <strong>and</strong> Johnnycome-latelyfundamentalism has put a check on freedom. At stake isthe freedom of our existence, <strong>and</strong> therefore that of all human beings,<strong>and</strong> on trial is our political will as citizens, <strong>and</strong> that of our youth, toconstruct Europe as the only possible response to such threats.In an attempt to face up to current challenges, I shall speak first ofall about the aims of constructing Europe institutionally, <strong>and</strong> themotives for doing so.Europe as a projected political union to promote freedomFreedom is under siege: from private economic power on the oneh<strong>and</strong>, <strong>and</strong> on the other h<strong>and</strong>, from the catalogue of evils that I havejust described.The classic relationship between a social, democratic <strong>and</strong> constitutionalState <strong>and</strong> market economics —whereby companies respected thesocial rights of workers— came to an end in the 1970s. In sharpcontrast to what Hobsbawm described as the golden age (1945-1975),the internationalisation of economic relationships has freed capital fromthe ties imposed by State control, but currently there exists no politicalpower to intervene in order to counter-balance the international economic“dis-order”. The fact that it is so difficult for our States to protect socialrights <strong>and</strong> act as guarantors of freedom is just one consequence of thisnew state of affairs. Hegel (1799-1815) <strong>and</strong> Hermann Heller (1927)foresaw the subversion of constitutional States, to be replaced by ah<strong>and</strong>ful of private rights, <strong>and</strong> feudal capitalism as we have know it inEurope since the 1980s; however, not even this foresight was able topredict the extremes that such a threat to our freedom would reach, asthose embodied today by private economic power <strong>and</strong> rampantglobalization.On the other h<strong>and</strong>, freedom is currently going through a criticalphase at the h<strong>and</strong>s of highwaymen such as the gang who held up theWhite House —ENRON, Halliburton, Arthur-Andersen, Merrill Lynch<strong>and</strong> WorldCom—, Palazzo Chigi <strong>and</strong> his b<strong>and</strong> of men, the Jihad orSharon’s warmongering Zionism, <strong>and</strong> the racism of governments <strong>and</strong>emerging groups in Europe. All of the aforementioned have stretchedthe rule of law to breaking point <strong>and</strong> have struck fear into the heart ofevery honest citizen. The 11th of September <strong>and</strong> growing levels of fearin our towns <strong>and</strong> cities have been talked about ad nauseam. However,

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