Admin Guide - Mizu Voip

Admin Guide - Mizu Voip

Admin Guide - Mizu Voip

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5.115. Pricing speedupIf you have (or will plan to add) many prefix entries for multiple billing packets than you should consider to change to the int based alghoritmespeciall if you are using LCR.Follow these steps:1. Create tb_billingtimes_int with the prefix field set to int type. Don’t forget to add the entries.2. Migrate all entries to the new table:INSERT INTO [msrv_2].[dbo].[tb_billingtimes_int]([entryid],[isdiff],[timetype],[fromday],[fromhour],[frommin],[today],[tohour],[tomin],[prefix],[origprice],[price],[dirid],[billingstep2],[minammount2])select[entryid],[isdiff],[timetype],[fromday],[fromhour],[frommin],[today],[tohour],[tomin],CAST ( prefix AS int ),[origprice],[price],[dirid],[billingstep2],[minammount2]from tb_billingtimes_int3. Set the “usevgetpriceint” global config option to true (also requires dbversion 124) and reload or restat the severThe drawback is that only numbers are allowed in the prefix table:

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