Adding gas from biomass to the gas grid - SGC

Adding gas from biomass to the gas grid - SGC

Adding gas from biomass to the gas grid - SGC

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Locally (in a federal state) <strong>the</strong>re has been buy-back guaranties on electricity produced <strong>from</strong>renewable sources. The most favored energy source has been wind power, but co-generation <strong>from</strong><strong>biomass</strong> as well as bio<strong>gas</strong> has been within <strong>the</strong> programme. This promotion has decreased andsince 1996 <strong>the</strong>re is no reliable information concerning any promotion. A drawback could even bethat <strong>the</strong> electricity tax applies <strong>to</strong> electricity <strong>from</strong> <strong>biomass</strong> as well as <strong>from</strong> fossil fuels. The feed-intariff for electricity <strong>from</strong> <strong>biomass</strong> is in <strong>the</strong> interval 0.025 - 0.055 €/kWh with an average of 0.038€/kWh.Austria has a strong interest in energy development in neighbouring Central/Eastern Europeancountries, and has established special funds <strong>to</strong> assist <strong>the</strong>m, such as <strong>the</strong> ‘Austrian EnvironmentalAssistance Abroad’ and ‘Assistance <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> Newly Independent Central and Eastern EuropeanCountries’. These funds provide financial support for projects aimed at improving environmental andenergy conditions in <strong>the</strong>se countries. The emphasis of <strong>the</strong>se activities lies on renewable energysources and on rational energy use. Cross border co-operation with neighbouring countries in <strong>the</strong>field of renewable energy sources is also provided by <strong>the</strong> INTERREG program.Considerable progress has been achieved in <strong>the</strong> use of bio<strong>gas</strong> technology in Austria.The <strong>to</strong>talnumber of bio<strong>gas</strong> installations in Austria 1997 was 196. Additional installations are being planned,especially in <strong>the</strong> field of landfill <strong>gas</strong> recovery, which is continually gaining importance. Besidesseveral smaller installations, <strong>the</strong> <strong>gas</strong> <strong>from</strong> Vienna's largest landfill at Rautenweg has beenrecovered for energy production since 1991. This plant, with an electric power capacity of 8 MW, iscurrently <strong>the</strong> largest in Europe.The advantages of bio<strong>gas</strong> utilization in agriculture are numerous; it represents a renewable energysource, an environmentally sound way for organic waste disposal and organic fertilizer production,and significantly reduces bad smells. Bio<strong>gas</strong> is typically utilized in combined heat and powerinstallations, whose excess power is fed in<strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>grid</strong>. Substances such as vegetable and o<strong>the</strong>r foodresidues or oil are occasionally added. A fund has been set up <strong>to</strong> subsidize <strong>the</strong> installation of bio<strong>gas</strong>systems by agricultural opera<strong>to</strong>rs. There is no information available on <strong>the</strong> mechanisms of this fund.Some sources indicate that it is a general fund that can subsidise projects that meet <strong>the</strong>requirements and apply for funding.7.3.3 DenmarkThe Danish energy policy will contribute <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> sustainable development of Danish society. Itsenergy sec<strong>to</strong>r will continue <strong>to</strong> be economically and technologically efficient, a flourishing sec<strong>to</strong>r thatforms part of <strong>the</strong> dynamic development of Danish society. The policy plans for rational managemen<strong>to</strong>f <strong>the</strong> resources <strong>to</strong> be given a central role. Internationally, Denmark will contribute <strong>to</strong> a developmentin which actions for better use of resources and reducing environmental impact are given steadilygrowing importance.page: 97

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