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dkrause on DSKHT7XVN1PROD with USCC<br />

229<br />

U.S.-China Security Relations in 2016<br />

U.S.-China security relations continued to be strained in 2016,<br />

with tensions in the South China Sea playing a key role. The two<br />

sides nonetheless cooperated on several areas of mutual interest,<br />

while continuing to expand and institutionalize U.S.-China security<br />

ties.<br />

Areas of Cooperation<br />

Iran Sanctions Lifted Pursuant to 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan<br />

of Action<br />

China was among the eight signatories (along with the European<br />

Union, France, Germany, Iran, Russia, the United Kingdom, and<br />

the United States) of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action in<br />

July 2015, which scheduled the removal of UN sanctions on Iran<br />

in exchange for the imposition of restrictions on its nuclear program.<br />

In January 2016, with these restrictions verified, the sanctions<br />

were lifted (not including unilateral sanctions imposed by specific<br />

countries). 315 During a visit to Iran by President Xi later in<br />

January, the first visit by a Chinese leader in 14 years, Beijing and<br />

Tehran agreed to boost trade to $600 billion over 10 years and formulate<br />

a ‘‘25-year comprehensive document’’ covering ‘‘long-term and<br />

strategic cooperation.’’ 316 According to National Defense University<br />

research fellow Joel Wuthnow, ‘‘China is expected to be a prime<br />

beneficiary of the deal as Chinese firms take advantage of greater<br />

access to the Iranian market, especially in the energy sector.’’ 317<br />

As the primary destination for Iranian oil exports, and a historically<br />

close security partner to Tehran, China’s involvement in this<br />

effort was crucial. 318 For example, according to China’s foreign<br />

minister, its negotiators helped resolve a key dispute over the future<br />

of Iran’s Arak heavy-water reactor during the July 2015 negotiations.<br />

319 China’s record on the Iran sanctions program is mixed,<br />

however. Former deputy assistant secretary of State for East Asian<br />

and Pacific affairs Thomas Christensen noted that China watered<br />

down the most significant UN Security Council resolution establishing<br />

the sanctions in the first place by ensuring Iran’s largest<br />

banks and energy sector were not included, and did not join North<br />

American and European countries in passing unilateral sanctions—<br />

the primary source of pressure on Iran’s economy—alongside the<br />

UN sanctions. 320 China also used its role in the UN Security Council<br />

to indirectly aid Iran by vetoing crucial resolutions affecting the<br />

Syrian government, Iran’s ally, during the sanctions period. 321 In<br />

addition, Chinese national oil companies were reportedly able to<br />

negotiate favorable prices on Iranian crude oil imports during the<br />

time in which UN sanctions were in effect (although these imports<br />

did decrease), and exploited a loophole by increasing their Iranian<br />

fuel oil imports—not covered by the sanctions—beginning in<br />

2013.* 322 Analysts have pointed out several other potential con-<br />

* The U.S. Department of Commerce also imposed severe restrictions on U.S. exports to Chinese<br />

telecommunications company ZTE in March 2016, after ZTE allegedly violated sanctions<br />

against exporting U.S.-made technology to Iran. Two weeks later the U.S. government granted<br />

a reprieve on these restrictions, since extended to November 2016. Juro Osawa, ‘‘U.S. Grants<br />

ZTE Another Extension of Trade-Sanctions Relief,’’ Wall Street Journal, August 18, 2016; Joel<br />

Schectman, ‘‘U.S. Extends ZTE Reprieve for Alleged Iran Sanctions Violations,’’ Reuters, June<br />

Continued<br />

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