Islams Reformers

The bigotry of the religion reformers or bigots of science who surfaced lately to blame all previous scholars, basic fundamental beliefs or practices

The bigotry of the religion reformers or bigots of science who surfaced lately to blame all previous scholars, basic fundamental beliefs or practices


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etween 40 and 70, two out of 3 deaths of heart-disease are men.<br />

Ulcer, cancer, pneumonia and tuberculosis are more common<br />

among men. Women’s cancers, for example, of womb or breast,<br />

are more easily cured than men’s cancers of lungs, stomach or<br />

prostate.<br />

“May be women catch many more kinds of diseases; but their<br />

diseases are less mortal. It is found out that men and women more<br />

easily catch 245 and 120 out of some 365 kinds of dangerous<br />

diseases, respectively.”<br />

On Rajab al-fard 5, 1404 (April 18, 1983), Hürriyet, a daily<br />

published in Istanbul, reported: “According to the official results<br />

of the census, the ratio of widows to widowers in Istanbul is 17:4.”<br />

This means that the number of widows is four times greater than<br />

that of widowers.<br />

Another evidence showing that women are more numerous is<br />

that there is an enormous number of women who live on selling<br />

their honesty. It is obvious that such women are numerous<br />

especially in advanced countries. If a married or single man who<br />

cannot help having intercourse with such a woman marries her and<br />

spends his money for her home instead of paying it to her for<br />

dishonesty, will it be bad? Religion reformers or progressives<br />

cannot say, “It won’t be bad, it will be good,” for they want women<br />

to remain in a status that would always keep them prone to<br />

supersedure. Those who dislike marrying more than one must be<br />

those who are afraid that not many women will remain for them to<br />

amuse themselves with.<br />

If they say, “Man’s view of the women with whom he has<br />

intercourse illegitimately and his view of his own wife are<br />

different,” they in fact regard those women who work<br />

illegitimately as lowly people who have lost their value. For this<br />

reason, they consider the sexual relations of a woman of high rank<br />

a much more shameful deed, a scandal.<br />

Women are led to prostitution out of necessity, need or<br />

seduction. It cannot be thought of for man because he does not<br />

earn but pays money. This also shows that woman cannot be equal<br />

to man.<br />

No matter how pretty she is, a woman does not give up trying<br />

to be attractive for man. Those with diminished bashfulness turn<br />

womanhood into a commercial material. It is seen that woman is<br />

more timid than man. This timidity is not because their lust is<br />

little, but because they are more capable of concealing their<br />

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