Islams Reformers

The bigotry of the religion reformers or bigots of science who surfaced lately to blame all previous scholars, basic fundamental beliefs or practices

The bigotry of the religion reformers or bigots of science who surfaced lately to blame all previous scholars, basic fundamental beliefs or practices


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that Allâhu ta’âlâ existed. They said that all the things had one<br />

creator. A glitter of the lights which prophets spread illuminated<br />

their darkened hearts. Remnants from the open dining-tables of<br />

those great people became medication for these deadly ill people.<br />

Likewise, what prophets revealed, such as that Allâhu ta’âlâ has<br />

Superior Attributes, that He has sent prophets, that angels are<br />

innocent, that there will be Rising after death and that there are<br />

infinite blessings, favours in Paradise and torments in Hell and<br />

many other things which Islam declares, cannot be comprehended<br />

through reasoning. Unless these are heard from prophets, they<br />

cannot be explored with men’s short minds.<br />

“Ancient Greek Philosophers said that reason never went<br />

wrong and it comprehended the truth of everthing and was<br />

without a limit. They tried to solve by reasoning what reason could<br />

not comprehend. On the contrary, reason goes wrong even in<br />

worldly knowledge. And it can never comprehend the knowledge<br />

pertaining to the next world. As reason can explore the things that<br />

cannot be comprehended through the senses, so the things which<br />

reason cannot comprehend will be understood through prophets’<br />

revelation. As reason is above the sense organs, so prophethood is<br />

above the power of reason. The things which the power of reason<br />

cannot reach will be learned through prophets’ revelation. To<br />

believe that Allâhu ta’âlâ exists and is one only through the<br />

comprehension and admission of reason and to say that it cannot<br />

be comprehended or believed in another way, will mean to deny in<br />

prophets, which is like denying the sun.<br />

“Allâhu ta’âlâ is the One who has created men and sends every<br />

blessing which is necessary for their maintenance in existence.<br />

Everybody knows that he who does favours should be thanked.<br />

And again, prophets are necessary for knowing how to thank for<br />

His blessings. Thanks and respect which they have not revealed<br />

are not worthy of Him. Man cannot know how to thank Him and<br />

he may suppose something which is disrespect towards Him to be<br />

thanks and respect. While meaning to thank, he may be<br />

disrespectful. It can be understood how to thank Allâhu ta’âlâ only<br />

by prophets’ revelation. The information called ‘inspiration’,<br />

which occurs to the hearts of the Awliyâ’, happens only by<br />

following prophets. If inspiration happened through reasoning, the<br />

ancient Greek philosophers, who followed only their reason,<br />

would not have deviated from the right path. They would have<br />

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