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zone, such low effective mobilities are obtained that the potentials required rise above<br />

the maximal potential of the stabilized d.c. power supply (this factor is of minor<br />

importance for the buffer.)<br />

Another limitation is due to the buffering capacity of the counter ions. A maximd<br />

buffering capacity is obtained if pK + 1 pK - 1. Hence the buffer will have a<br />

low buffering capacity if its pK value differs more than about 2 pH units from the pH<br />

in a zone. The pH lies between the pK values of buffer and sample ionic species, so<br />

that we cannot use a buffer when its pK value differs more than about 3 pK units from<br />

that of the sample ionic species (this is valid when the pK is lower than the pK values<br />

of the sample ions). In order to demonstrate this important effect, the relationship<br />

between the pK values of ionic species in the sample and the pH values of their zones<br />

is shown in Fig.5.1 for a pKB of 6 and a pH of the leading electrolyte, pH, of 5.75.<br />

Fig.5.1 shows clearly that the buffer has a low buffering capacity if its pKB differs<br />

more than about 3 pH units from the pK of the ionic species. In general, a buffer should<br />

be chosen with a pKB less than 3 pH units lower than the pK value of the anionic species<br />

to be separated.<br />

After considering the limitations concerning demands for the buffering ions at a<br />

chosen pH, the next problem is to choose the pH, value, and two approaches are<br />

possible.<br />

If no data such as pK values and mobilities are available, the experimental method must<br />

be used. All step heights of the substances concerned have to be measured at different<br />

pH, values and for several electrolyte systems, after which a pH, value can be chosen<br />

for the optimal separation (maximal differences in step heights). A combination of<br />

systems can be applied.<br />

If all data are known, theoretically all effective mobilities can be calculated and from<br />

the results obtained the pH, that shows maximal differences in effective mobilities can<br />

be decided.<br />

In order to demonstrate those two approaches to separations according to pK values,<br />

eleven anionic species that cannot be separated according to mobilities in the system<br />

histidine/histidine hydrochloride at a pH, of 6.02 (see Table 12.1) were selected. The<br />

effective mobilities were computed with a computer program for five electrolyte systems<br />

at different pH, values and all step heights were measured for the systems. In Table 5.7,<br />

the conditions are given for the five electrolyte systems and Table 5.8 gives the calculated<br />

effective mobilities (theoretical method) and measured step heights (experimental<br />

method). In Fig.5.2 the step heights are plotted for the different systems. The results<br />

indicate that the differences in effective mobilities (and step heights) are much greater<br />

at lower pH values of the leading electrolyte, which permits better separations to be<br />

achieved.<br />

Some separations have been carried out. Fig.5.3A shows the electropherogram for<br />

the separation of a mixture of trichloroacetate, P-chloropropionate, benzoate, crotonate,<br />

paminobenzoate and trimethyl acetate at a pH, of 6.02. The terminator was glutamate,<br />

and the leading ion was chloride. No complete separation could be achieved. In Fig.5.3B,<br />

the separation is shown for the same mixture in system E (see Table 5.7) at a pH, of4.<br />

Trimethyl acetate was used as the terminator and a complete separation could be easily<br />

achieved. A thermometric detector (copper-constantan thermocouple) was used.

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