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CONCLUSION 28 1<br />

Tables 10.3-10.5 was taken. The deviations* from the average calibration constant<br />

must be ascribed to the use of the micro-syringe for sample introduction. These values<br />

are listed in Table 10.6.<br />

The tables show that the zones do not have a mutual influence on each other, which<br />

means that the buffer capacity of the counter ion chosen is sufficient.<br />

TABLE 10.6<br />


LISTED IN TABLES 10.3-10.5<br />

Ion Concentration K , - ~ lo4 Deviation Deviation<br />

(N)<br />

in KcaI * lo7 (%I<br />

NO,- 0.0125<br />

(30;<br />

CH, COO-<br />

NO,- 0.025<br />

c10;<br />

CH,COO-<br />

NO,- 0.05<br />

(30;<br />

CH,COO-<br />

Average<br />

10.5. CONCLUSION<br />

0.448<br />

0.467<br />

0.462<br />

0.448<br />

0.457<br />

0.459<br />

0.443<br />

0.452<br />

0.461<br />

0.455<br />

-7<br />

t12<br />

+7<br />

With an automatic device for recording zone lengths, a high-resolution detector and<br />

injection via a micro-syringe (a sample valve, as described in section 7.2.3, was even<br />

better), good linearity can be obtained between the amount injected and the distance in<br />

the isotachopherogram between the differential traces of the linear signal of the<br />

conductivity detector.<br />

If the experiments are carried out with care and good equipment is available, no<br />

internal standard need be applied. If the detection of even smaller zones than those in<br />

the tables is required, the profiles as shown in Fig.17.2 must be taken into account.<br />

Among other factors, impurities and different profiles for different zone boundaries may<br />

obscure the quantitative results. The zone boundary of, for instance, acetate with<br />

glutamate is different from that of acetate with morpholinoethanesulphonate, which has<br />

a considerably smaller effective mobility in the operational system at pH 6 (Table 12.1)<br />

than has glutamate.<br />

If a specific detector is available, e.g., the W absorption detector, one can use the<br />

*As already mentioned in section 10.3.2, more accurate data, used for the calculation of the actual<br />

concentrations of the various ionic species via the computer program in Chapter 4, will also improve<br />

the accuracyof Kcal.<br />

-7<br />

+2<br />

+4<br />

-12<br />

-3<br />

+6<br />

1.4<br />

2.6<br />

1.3<br />

1.4<br />

0.4<br />

0.9<br />

2.7<br />

0.7<br />

1.3<br />


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