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TO: IM. HENRY J. MUZ-LE.<br />

FROM": M~i. DALE S. BONDE.<br />


TR 2SP-RTS, (TRUMIS)<br />

I have observed that the Uganda Co-operative Transport Union<br />

provides tr.nsportation for employees in the tr-nsports (trucks).<br />

It appears that they try to get as many employees in the Cab -.s<br />

possible.<br />

It is my opinion that this is a very d.Lngarous practice with so<br />

many people in the Cab it must be very difficult for the driver<br />

to concentrate on his driving.<br />

If the driver had an accident many people in the Cab ooul4 be<br />

over the place.<br />

injured. Can you imagine many bodies flying all<br />

Does the Ugsnda Co-operative Transport Union have proper<br />

event of injury to the p-suen-ers?<br />

insurance coverage in the<br />

ctrry<br />

I feel that the Cab of a transport is not designed to<br />

crs.<br />

more than a driver and one passenger, not many pasaen<br />

From a cost standpoint it appears to me as a very e::pcnsive<br />

high, U znda<br />

w:y to transport pascen ers Fuel costs aore<br />

is wearing out the tr-aKports<br />

Co-opertive Transport Union<br />

(trucks) hauling passengers instead of freight.<br />

have<br />

I would suggest that Ug'Lnda Co-oper-tive Tra.nsport Union<br />

suitable vehicles for handling passengers. In the long seen it<br />

would be more economical than the present system.<br />

I would further suggest the Uganda Co-oper tive Tr-nsport Union<br />

adopt the following policy:<br />

ce<br />

"Effective immediately no unauthori.:ed paosseners will<br />

Cab of Ug nda Co-oper-ttive Tr nsport Union<br />

permitted in the<br />

transports (trucks) Veol tion of this policy will result in<br />

immediate termination of the driver.<br />

The Transport Manager is the only person to<br />

turnboy.<br />

passengers other than driver L.nd<br />

_uthorize any<br />

Having unauthorized passengers in the C-b is vary d-.ngrous<br />

could result in injuries'<br />

,-ot cover passen:-rs you misht rmention<br />

If your insur.-nce doec<br />

it in your notice. If you decide to adopt this policy mke<br />

sure tha°t it is enforced by everyone.<br />

If the Transport ILanager authorizes dditionizl pa...njrs it<br />

- copy to the drivcr.<br />

shioald be in writing ;-iith<br />

( Di Lz c. 307D13)<br />

113<br />


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