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AL-MUKHATABAT accepts for publication philosophic<strong>al</strong> papers on Logic,<br />

An<strong>al</strong>ytic Philosophy and Epistemology, defined in a very broad sense to include<br />

Philosophy and History of Logic, Theory of knowledge and Philosophy and History of<br />

Sciences. The aims of the Journ<strong>al</strong> are promoting di<strong>al</strong>ogue between cultures,<br />

improving scientific method into philosophic<strong>al</strong> thoughts and encouraging logic<strong>al</strong><br />

creativity. Papers submitted have to be in Format doc, and must not exceed 20<br />

pages (norm<strong>al</strong> size), including references, footnotes and bibliography. They are<br />

accepted in Arabic, French and English. Authors should provide the journ<strong>al</strong> with a<br />

copy of the paper together with an abstract of 100 words in English or in French. On<br />

a separate sheet, the author has to provide further information in the form of a<br />

resume (including her/his qu<strong>al</strong>ifications and degrees, and position). Authors are<br />

notified of the fin<strong>al</strong> verdict of the referees: they are notified as to the acceptance or<br />

rejection of his/her paper for publication within a period of three months. The articles<br />

published in this Journ<strong>al</strong> are the possession of their authors and <strong>al</strong>l rights of<br />

publishing are reserved by them.<br />

تاذ<br />

ةد يجلا تلااقملا رشنت<br />

ةمكحم ةيلصف<br />

ةينورتكلا<br />

ةيفسلف<br />

ة لجم<br />

تابطاخملا<br />

ة لجملا لبقت . ةيليلحتلا ةفسلفلا و مولعلا خيرات<br />

و ايجولومتسبلاا و مولعلا ةفسلف و قطنملاب ةلصلا<br />

ةخسنب<br />

ة لجملا د وزي نأ ثحابلا ىلع بجي<br />

و . ةيسنرفلا و ةيزيلجنلإا و ةيبرعلا<br />

ثلاثلا تاغللاب<br />

ثوحبلا<br />

022 دودح يف هل ص خلم عم ةحفص 02 ى دعتي نأ بجي لا يذلا و ينورتكللاا اهناونع ىلع هثحب نم<br />

نم ديزملا ةباتك اضيأ ثحابلا ىلع و . ةيسنرفلا وأ ةيزيلجنلإا ىلإ هتمجرت و ثحبلا ةغلب ةملك<br />

ىلع ثوحبلا ضرع متي و اهيلإ يمتني يتلا ةعماجلاو<br />

ةيملعلا هتجرد ةصاخب و هسفن نع تامولعملا<br />

و ،اهبحاصل<br />

ة يلك ةروصب ةظوفحم ىقبت ثحبلا<br />

قوقح . ني صتخملا نم رثكأ وأ مكحم ىلع ي رس وحن<br />

. صاخلا ينورتكللاا اهعقوم ىلع هرشنب ة لجملل حامسلا هنم ةخسن لاسرإ ينعي<br />

AL-MUKHATABAT est une Revue électronique, trimestrielle et<br />

trilingue, qui publie des articles inédits de Logique, de Philosophie An<strong>al</strong>ytique et<br />

d’Epistémologie au sens large incluant la philosophie et l’histoire de la logique, la<br />

théorie de la connaissance, la philosophie et l’histoire des sciences. Les articles<br />

sont soumis de façon anonyme à l’un des membres du comité scientifique de la<br />

Revue pour l’év<strong>al</strong>uer. L’envoi d’un document à la Revue veut dire que l’auteur<br />

l’autorise à le publier sur son site. L’article reste la propriété pleine de son auteur.<br />

Il doit être envoyé sous format doc, ne dépassant pas 20 pages (notes et<br />

bibliographie incluses), accompagné d’un résumé de 100 mots en anglais ou en<br />

français. L’auteur doit fournir à la Revue quelques informations qui concernent<br />

ses qu<strong>al</strong>ifications scientifiques.<br />

AL-MUKHATABAT Numéro 03 Année 01/2012 لىولأا ةن سلا 30 ددعلا تابطانا<br />

5<br />

ISSN: 1737-6432

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