WHEN YOU CROSS CULTURES - World Evangelical Alliance

WHEN YOU CROSS CULTURES - World Evangelical Alliance

WHEN YOU CROSS CULTURES - World Evangelical Alliance


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Prayer for the harvest fields of the world, for missionaries and agencies<br />

penetrating unreached frontiers should be encouraged. This will enlarge the<br />

vision of the disciple. Our Lord exhorted His followers to pray for labourers to<br />

be sent. Many disciples have developed a missionary heart by praying thus,<br />

and later were themselves sent to the mission field.<br />

4 Christian Character<br />

Paul laboured in the ministry with all God’s energy working in him, so<br />

that he might “present everyone perfect in Christ” (Colossians 1:28, 29).<br />

Christlikeness was Paul’s goal. Therefore he wrote about Christlike qualities in<br />

his epistles.<br />

For the believer, Paul saw that faith, hope and love were abiding essentials.<br />

The Thessalonians, for example, possessed faith and love but were lacking in<br />

hope (1 Thessalonians 1:8; 4:9. 10, 13). Consequently in his letters to them, he<br />

emphasised hope related to the return of Christ. The Corinthian church was a<br />

gifted church, but it was lacking in love. Paul showed them “the most excellent<br />

way” (1 Corinthians 12:31) – the way of love as described in 1 Corinthians 13.<br />

Paul wrote of Christlike qualities in the second half of Ephesians and in<br />

Colossians 3, to cite a few examples. The fruit of the Spirit stands in stark contrast<br />

to the works of the flesh in Galatians 5. The most essential aspect of discipleship<br />

training is the cultivation of godly Christlike character. This is a lifelong process.<br />

Jesus, as the Master-Trainer, majored on character in His training of the<br />

Twelve. He taught that everyone who is fully trained will be like his teacher<br />

(Luke 6:40). Jesus taught His disciples the characteristics of the kingdom. The<br />

values of the kingdom were very different from those of the world. The Sermon<br />

on the Mount begins with the Beatitudes - beautiful attitudes of subjects of the<br />

King. Blessedness is for the poor in spirit, the broken and the meek, those who<br />

hunger and thirst for righteousness.<br />

Humility was certainly not a prominent trait of the disciples. They were<br />

seeking prominence and greatness for themselves. Jesus taught by example.<br />

He taught the disciples by washing their feet and serving them. After being<br />

with Jesus for more than three years, they were still slow to learn.<br />

Disciples should be learners. The root meaning of a disciple is “a learner”.<br />

To be a learner is to be willing to be taught. A teachable attitude is essential to<br />

learning.<br />

In discipleship training, the Navigators taught me to look for “FAT” people<br />

- those who were Faithful, Available and Teachable! In Acts 16:1-3, we read of<br />

Timothy, a faithful young disciple, who made himself available to Paul to learn<br />

from him. We should look for such a person to equip.<br />


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