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honey flowers 102 . Second, which is more important, in the past two months (April and May,<br />

2010) the repair work of Sidr-affected embankments undertaken by the Army has created<br />

massive employment in the locality, and the Mawalis have chosen to be employed there rather<br />

than traveling a long distance to forest area for honey extraction. The Mawalis reported that Tk<br />

200 per day as wage was a far better option than what is earned from honey extraction amidst<br />

risk of forest pirates, river pirates and tigers. In consequence, dadon business in the locality has<br />

considerably declined. This gives a clear message that Mawalis or Bawalis would not exert<br />

pressure on the SRF providing they get alternative opportunities for employment and income.<br />

Creating income options such as “closed fish culture” in the saline environment will not only<br />

reduce the pressure on the SRF but also increase the per capita collection for the fishers. The<br />

Fish Research Center at Paikgacha can take further initiatives apart from their existing activities<br />

in this regard.<br />

Save the species from getting lost<br />

Appropriate policy to conserve the fish resources has to be taken before it is too late. The fishes<br />

that are in the process of extinction are subject to conservation for the ecology of the forest and<br />

also to increase “per capita collection”.<br />

Fishing by trawling ship<br />

The process, through which the trawling ships undertake catching fishes, needs serious<br />

consideration in the light of conservation and reproduction.<br />

One of the major problems related to resource management in fisheries and aquatic resources is<br />

indiscriminate collection of shrimp and other aquatic fries, resulting in extinction of valuable<br />

aquatic species 103 . The exploitation of jatka fish and use of ‘current’ nets in fishing have no<br />

option asserted by fisher collectors themselves as they have little income support during lean<br />

periods. One other problem is related to additional pressure on SRF fisheries due to increase in<br />

the number of fishers and fishing trawlers catches.<br />

Leasing Canals/Khals<br />

Some of the khals or canals are leased out to big companies who use trawling ships for fishing.<br />

Some of these people use medicines and poisonous (chemical) substances to catch fishes, which<br />

kill all the living beings in those leased-out canals. There should be strict regulations to check<br />

this type of activities so that the reproduction of the fishes or other species is not hampered. The<br />

participants of FGDs, by and large, suggested stopping leasing out canals and khals around SRF<br />

104 .<br />

6.5 Co-management and Conservation of the SRF<br />

Co-management of SRF was not much a directly related topic in the context of the current value<br />

chain analysis study. While data and information on value chains of various SRF products were<br />

much demanding one had to be satisfied with limited feedback from the respondents on the issue<br />

102<br />

Further study is needed on the impact of CC on honey production.<br />

103 This was also observed by Islam et al (2005), <strong>BIDS</strong>. During shrimp fry collection, for example, about 60-70 fry<br />

types of other species are caught. Besides, other growing aquatic plants and micro bio-diversity are destroyed under<br />

the feet of the fry collectors.<br />

104<br />

This has long been felt by stakeholders of SIZ (Islam et al 2005, <strong>BIDS</strong>).<br />


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