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THE BUILDERS. 83<br />

or Atma-Buddhi, and they have become the "Diamond-Souled"(Vajrasattvas*).<br />

or full Mahatmas. The "Concealed Lord" (Sangbai Dag-po),<br />

"the one merged with the Absolute," can have no parents since he<br />

is Self-Existent, and one with the Universal Spirit (Svayambhu),t<br />

the Svabhavat in its highest aspect. The mystery of the Hierarchy<br />

of the Anupadaka is great, its apex being the universal Spirit-Soul,<br />

and the lower rung the Manushi-Buddha : and even every soulendowed<br />

man also is an Anupadaka in a latent state. Hence—when<br />

speaking of the Universe in its<br />

formless, eternal, or absolute condition,<br />

before it was fashioned by the Builders—the expression, "the great<br />

Wheel [Universe] was Anupadaka."<br />

STANZA II.<br />

I. . . . Where were the Builders, the IvUminous Sons of<br />

Manvantaric Dawn (a) ... In the Unknown Darkness in<br />

their Ah-hi I Paranishpanna. The Producers of Form § from<br />

No-Form<br />

||—<br />

the Root of the World — the Devamatri ^ and<br />

Svabhavat, rested in the Bliss of Non-Being (d).<br />

(a)<br />

The "Builders," the "Sons of Manvantaric Dawn," are the real<br />

creators of the Universe ; and in this doctrine, which deals only with<br />

our Planetary System, they, as the architects of the latter, are also<br />

called<br />

the "Watchers" of the Seven Spheres, which exoterically are<br />

the seven planets, and esoterically the seven earths or spheres (Globes)<br />

of our Chain also. The opening sentence of Stanza I, when mentioning<br />

"Seven Eternities," applies both to the Mahakalpa or "the (Great)<br />

• Vajrapani or Vajradhara means the diamond-holder; in Tibetan Dorjesempa, sempa meaning the<br />

soul ; its adamantine quality referring to its indestructibility in the hereafter. The explanation with<br />

regard to the Anupadaka given in the Kdla Chakra, the first in the Gyut division of the Kanjiir,<br />

is half esoteric. It has misled the Orientalists into erroneous speculations with respect to the<br />

Uhyani-Buddhas and their earthly correspondencies, the Manushi-Buddhas. The real tenet is<br />

hinted at in a subsequent volume, and will be more fully explained in its proper place.<br />

" To quote Hegel again, who with Schelling practically accepted the Pantheistic conception of<br />

periodical Avataras (special incarnations of the World-Spirit in Man, as seen in the case of all the<br />

great religious reformers) : "The essence of man is spirit .... only by stripping hitnself of his finiteness<br />

and surrendering himself to pure self-consciousness does he attain the truth. Christ-man, as<br />

man in whom the Unity of God-man [identity of the individual with the universal Consciousness as<br />

taught by the Vedantins and some Advaitees] appeared, has, in his death and history generally,<br />

himself presented the eternal history of Spirit—a history which every man has to accomplish in<br />

himself, in order to exist as Spirit."<br />

X Chohanic, Dhyani-Buddhic.<br />

} Rupa.<br />

II Arfipa.<br />

Philosophy of History, Sibree's English Translation, p. 340.<br />

IT " Mother of the Gods," Aditi, or Cosmic Space. In the Zohar, she is called Sephira, the Mother<br />

of the Sephiroth, and Shekinah in her primordial form, in abscondiio.

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