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— a<br />


'/II<br />

Plato—who shows Homer flourishing far earlier—could point to a number<br />

of Zodiacal signs mentioned in the Iliad and Odyssey, in the Orphic<br />

poems, and elsewhere. But since the cock-and-bull hypothesis of some<br />

modern critics that, so far from Orpheus, not even Homer or Hesiod<br />

has ever existed, it would seem time lost to mention these archaic<br />

authors at all. The Arabian Job will suffice; unless, indeed, his volume<br />

of lamentations, along with the poems of the two Greeks, to which we<br />

may add those of Linus, should now also be declared to be the patriotic<br />

forgery of the Jew Aristobulus. But if the Zodiac was known in the<br />

days of Job, how could the civilized and philosophical Hindus have<br />

remained ignorant of it<br />

Risking the arrows of modern criticism—rather blunted by misuse<br />

the reader may make himself acquainted with Bailly's learned opinion<br />

upon the subject.<br />

Inferred speculations may be shown to be erroneous.<br />

Mathematical calculations stand on more secure grounds. Taking as<br />

a starting point several astronomical references in Job, Bailly devised<br />

a very ingenious means of proving that the earliest founders of the<br />

Science of the Zodiac belonged to an antediluvian, primitive people.<br />

The fact that he seems willing to see some of the Biblical patriarchs<br />

in Thoth, Seth, and in the Chinese Fohi, does not interfere with the<br />

validity of his proof as to the antiquity of the Zodiac* Even accepting,<br />

for argument's sake, his cautious 3700 years B.C. as<br />

the correct age of<br />

the Zodiacal Science, this date proves in the most irrefutable way that<br />

it was not the Greeks who invented the Zodiac, for the simple reason<br />

that they did not exist as a nation thirty-seven centuries B.C.—at an)'<br />

rate not as a historical race admitted by the critics. Bailly then<br />

calculated the period at which the constellations manifested the atmospheric<br />

influence called by Job the "sweet influences of the Pleiades,"!<br />

in Hebrew Kimah ; that of Orion, Kesil ; and that of the desert rains<br />

with reference to Scorpio, the eighth constellation; and found that in<br />

presence of the eternal conformity of these divisions of the Zodiac, and<br />

of the names of the Planets applied in the same order everywhere and<br />

always, and in presence of the impossibility of attributing it all to<br />

chance and "coincidence"— "which never creates such similarities"—<br />

very great antiquity indeed must be allowed for the Zodiac. J<br />

• A sironomie Antique.<br />

* The Pleiades, as all know, are the seven stars beyond the Bull, which appear at the beginning- of<br />

spring. They have a very Occult meaning: in the liindu Esoteric Philosophy, and are connected u-ith<br />

Sound and other mystic principles in Nature.<br />

i See Astronomie Aniigue, pp. 63 to 74.

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