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third War is mentioned as taking place at the close of the Fourth Race,<br />

between its Adepts and those of the Fifth Race; that is, between the<br />

Initiates of the "Sacred Island" and the Sorcerers of Atlantis. We<br />

shall notice the first contest, as recounted by Parashara, and endeavour<br />

to separate the two accounts, which are purposely blended together.<br />

It is there stated that as the Daityas and Asuras were engaged in the<br />

duties of their respective Orders (Varnas) and followed the paths prescribed<br />

by ;.holy writ, practising also religious penance—a queer employment<br />

for Demons if they are identical with our Devils, as it is<br />

claimed—it was impossible for the Gods to destroy them. The prayers<br />

addressed by the Gods to Vishnu are curious, as showing the ideas involved<br />

in an anthropomorphic Deity. Having, after their defeat, " fled<br />

to the northern shore of the Milky Ocean [Atlantic Ocean],"* the discomfited<br />

Gods address many supplications "to the first<br />

divine Vishnu," and among others the following:<br />

of Beings, the<br />

Glory to thee, who art one with the Saints, whose perfect nature is ever blessed,<br />

and traverses, unobstructed, all permeable elements. Glory to thee, who art one<br />

with the Serpent-Race, double-tongued, impetuous, cruel, insatiate of enjoyment and<br />

abounding with wealth. . . . Glory to thee, . . . O Lord, who hast neither<br />

colour nor extension, nor bulk {ghana), nor any predicable qualities, and whose<br />

essence {rupa), purest of the pure, is appreciable only by holy Paramarshis [the<br />

greatest of Sages or Rishis]. We bow to thee, in the nature of Brahma, uncreated,<br />

undecaying (avyaya); who art in our bodies, and in all other bodies, and in all living<br />

creatures; and beside whom nothing exists. We glorify that Vasudeva, the lord (of<br />

all), who is without soil, the seed of all things, exempt from dissolution, unborn,<br />

eternal; being, in essence, Paramapadatmavat [beyond the condition of Spirit],<br />

and, in substance {rupa), the whole of this {Universe).t<br />

The above is quoted as an illustration of the vast field<br />

offered by the<br />

Ptcranas to adverse and erroneous criticism, by every European bigot<br />

who forms an estimate of an alien religion on mere external evidence.<br />

Any man accustomed to subject what he reads to thoughtful analysis,<br />

will see at a glance the incongruity of addressing the accepted "Unknowable,"<br />

the formless, and attributeless Absolute, such as the<br />

Vedantins define Brahman, as being "one with the Serpent-Race,<br />

double-tongued, cruel and insatiable," thus associating the abstract<br />

with the concrete, and bestowing adjectives on that which is<br />

any limitations, and conditionless. Even Professor Wilson, who, after<br />

living surrounded by Brahmans and Pandits in India for so man}'<br />

free from<br />

* This statement belongs to the third War, since the terrestrial continents, seas and rivers are<br />

mentioned in connection with it.<br />

••<br />

Vishnu Purajia, III. xvii (Wilson, Vol. HI. 204-5).

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