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From the early ages of the Fourth Race, when Spirit alone was worshipped<br />

and the Myster}' w^as made manifest, down to the last palmy<br />

days of Grecian art, at the dawn of Christianity, the Hellenes alone<br />

had dared publicly to raise an altar to the " Unknown God." Whatever<br />

St. Paul may have had in his profound mind, when declaring to<br />

the Athenians that this "Unknown," which they ignorantly worshipped,<br />

was the true God announced by himself—that Deity was not<br />

"Jehovah," nor was he "the maker of the world and all things." For<br />

it is not the "God of Israel" but the "Unknown" of the ancient and<br />

modern Pantheist that "dwelleth not in temples made with hands:"^-<br />

Divine Thought cannot be defined, nor can its meaning be explained,<br />

except by the numberless manifestations of Cosmic Substance, in which<br />

the former is se7ised spiritually by those who can do so. To say this,<br />

after having defined it as the Unknown Deity, abstract, impersonal,<br />

sexless, which must be placed at the root of ever>' Cosmogony and its<br />

subsequent evolution, is equivalent to sa5dng nothing at all. It is like<br />

attempting a transcendental equation of conditio»ns, having in hand<br />

for deducing the true value of its terms only a number of unknown<br />

quantities. Its place is found in the old primitive symbolic charts, in<br />

which, as already shown, it is represented by a boundless darkness, on<br />

the ground of which appears the first central point in white—thus symbolizing<br />

coeval and coeternal Spirit-Matter making its appearance in<br />

the phenomenal world, before its first differentiation. When " the One<br />

becomes Two," it may then be referred to as Spirit and Matter. To<br />

"Spirit" is referable ever>^ manifestation of Consciousness, reflective<br />

or direct, and of "unconscious purposiveness"—to adopt a modern<br />

expression used in Western philosophy,<br />

so-called—as evidenced in the<br />

Vital Principle, and Nature's submission to the majestic sequence of<br />

immutable Law. "Matter" must be regarded as objectivity in its<br />

purest abstraction, the self-existing basis, whose septenary manvantaric<br />

differentiations constitute the objective reality underlying the<br />

phenomena of each phase of conscious existence. During the period<br />

of Universal Pralaya, Cosmic Ideation is non-existent ;<br />

and the variously<br />

differentiated states of Cosmic Substance are resolved back again<br />

into the primary state of abstract potential objectivity.<br />

Manvantaric impulse commences with the reawakening of Cosmic<br />

Ideation, the Universal Mind, concurrently with, and parallel to, the<br />

primary emergence of Cosmic Substance—the latter being the manvau-<br />

* Acts, xvii. 23, 24.

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