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Born in the Twilight of Action, he has yet to first perceive the Plan, to<br />

realize the Ideal Forms, which lie buried in the Bosom of Eternal Ideation,<br />

just as the future lotus-leaves, the immaculate petals, are concealed<br />

within the seed of that plant.<br />

In Esoteric Philosophy the Demiurge, or Logos, regarded as the<br />

Creator, is simply an abstract term, an idea, like the word "army."<br />

the latter is the all-embracing term for a body of active forces, or<br />

working units—soldiers, so is the Demiurge the qualitative compound<br />

of a multitude of Creators or Builders. Burnouf, the great Orientalist,<br />

seized the idea perfectl}^ w^lien he said that Brahma does 7iot create<br />

the Earth, any more than the rest of the Universe.<br />

Having evolved himself from the Soul of the World, once separated from the<br />

First Cause, he evaporates with, and emanates, all Nature out of himself He does<br />

not stand above it, but is mixed up with it; Brahma and the Universe form one<br />

Being, each particle of which is in its essence Brahma himself, who proceeded out<br />

of himself.<br />

In a chapter of the Book of the Dead, called "Transformation into<br />

the Lotus," the God, figured as a head emerging from this flower,<br />

exclaims<br />

I am the pure Lotus, emerging from the Luminous Ones. ... I carry the<br />

messages of Horus.<br />

I am the pure Lotus which comes from the Solar Fields.*<br />

The lotus-idea may be traced even in the Elohistic first chapter of<br />

Genesis, as stated in Isis Unveiled. It is to this idea that we must look<br />

for the origin and explanation of the verse in the Jewish Cosmogony<br />

which reads: "And God said, Let the earth bring forth . . . the<br />

fruit-tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself." f In all<br />

the primitive religions, the Creative God is the "Son of the Father,"<br />

that is to say, his Thought made visible; and before the Christian era,<br />

from the Trimurti of the Hindus down to the three Kabalistic Heads of<br />

the scriptures, as explained by the Jews, the Triune Godhead of each<br />

nation was fully defined and substantiated, in its allegories.<br />

Such is the cosmic and ideal significance of this great symbol with<br />

the Eastern peoples. But when applied to practical and exoteric worship,<br />

which had also its esoteric symbology, the Lotus, in time, became<br />

the carrier and container of a more terrestrial idea. No dogmatic<br />

religion has ever escaped having the sexual element in it; and to this<br />

day it soils the moral beauty of the root idea of symbology. The<br />

As<br />

* Ch. Ixxxi. t i. II.

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