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origin in the epoch of the year 3102 B.C., and it is a demonstrative prooL' of the<br />

reality of that epoch.*<br />

Bailly is referred to at such length, as he is one of the few scientific<br />

men who have tried to do full justice to the Astronomy of the Aryans.<br />

From John Bentley down to Burgess' Surya-Siddhanta, not one Astronomer<br />

has been fair enough to the most learned people of Antiquity.<br />

However distorted and misunderstood the Hindu Symbology may be,<br />

no Occultist can fail to do it justice once that he knows something of<br />

the Secret Sciences ; nor will he turn away from their metaphysical<br />

and mystical interpretation of the Zodiac, even though the whole<br />

Pleiades of Royal Astronomical Societies rise in arms against their<br />

mathematical rendering of it.<br />

The descent and reascent of the Monad<br />

or Soul cannot be disconnected from the Zodiacal signs, and it looks<br />

more natural, in the sense of the fitness of things, to believe in a<br />

mysterious sympathy between the metaphysical Soul and the bright<br />

constellation., and in the influence of the latter on the former, than in<br />

the absurd notion that the creators of Heaven and Earth have placed<br />

in Heaven the types of twelve vicious Jews. And if, as the author of<br />

The Gnostics and their Remains asserts, the aim of all the Gnostic<br />

schools and the later<br />

Platonists<br />

was to accommodate the old faith to the influence of Buddhistic theosophy, the<br />

verj' essence of which was that the innumerable gods of the Hindu mythology were<br />

but names for the Energies of the First Triad in its successive Avatars or manifestations<br />

unto man,<br />

whither can we better turn to trace these theosophic ideas to their very<br />

root, than to the old Indian wisdom We say again: Archaic Occultism<br />

would remain incomprehensible to all, if it were to be rendered<br />

otherwise than through the more familiar channels of Buddhism and<br />

Hinduism. For the former is the emanation of the latter; and both<br />

are children cf one mother—ancient Ivcmuro-Atlantean Wisdom.<br />

* BaiUy's Traite deV Astronomie Indienne et Orienialc, pp. xx. el seq. Ed. 1787.

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