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it preserves and reproduces all forms," as he does, is to enunciate truth<br />

only in the second proposition. The first is erroneous; for if all that<br />

exists was evolved through (or via) it, this is not the Astral Ught, since<br />

the latter is not the container of all things but, at best, only the<br />

reflector of this all. Eliphas Levi ver>' truly shows it "a force in<br />

Nature," by means of which "a single man who can master it . . .<br />

might throw the world into confusion and transform its face"; for it<br />

is the "Great Arcanum of transcendent Magic." Quoting the words<br />

of the great Western Kabalist in<br />

their translated form,^-' we may, perhaps,<br />

the better explain them by the occasional addition of a word or<br />

two, to show the difference between Western and Eastern explanations<br />

of the same subject. The author saj^s of the great Magic Agent:<br />

This ambient and all-penetrating fluid, this ray detached from the [Central or<br />

Spiritual] Sun's splendour . . . fixed by the weight of the atmosphere [ !] and<br />

the power of central attraction . . . the Astral Light, this electro-magnetic<br />

ether, this vital and luminous caloric, is represented on ancient monuments by the<br />

girdle of Isis, which twines round two poles . . . and in ancient theogonies by<br />

the serpent devouring its own tail, emblem of prudence and of Saturn [emblem of<br />

infinity, immortality, and Cronus—Time—not the God Saturn or the planet]. It is<br />

the winged dragon of Medea, the double serpent of the caduceus, and the tempter of<br />

Genesis ; but it is also the brazen snake of Moses encircling the Tau . . . lastly,<br />

it is the devil of exoteric dogmatism, and is really the blind force [it is not blind,<br />

and L^vi knew it], which souls must conquer, in order to detach themselves from<br />

the chains of Earth; for if they should not, the}- will be absorbed by the same<br />

power which first produced them, and will return to the central and eternal fire.<br />

This great Archseus is now publicly discovered by, and for, only one<br />

man—^J.<br />

W. Keely, of Philadelphia. For others, however, it is discovered,<br />

yet must remain almost useless. "So far shalt thou go. . .<br />

."<br />

All the above is as practical as it is correct, save one error, which we<br />

have explained. Eliphas Eevi commits a great blunder in alwaj^s<br />

identifying the Astral Eight with what v^^e call Akasha. What it really<br />

is will be expounded in Volume II.<br />

Eliphas Levi further writes<br />

The great Magic Agent is the fourth emanation of the life principle [we saj'—it is<br />

the first in the inner, and the second in the outer (our) Universe], of which the Sun<br />

is the third form ... for the day-star [the Sun] is only the reflection and<br />

material shadow of the Central Sun of truth, which illuminates the intellectual<br />

[invisible] world of Spirit, and which itself is but a gleam borrowed from the<br />

Absolute.<br />

So far he is right enough. But when the great authority of the<br />

* The Mysteries of Magic, by A.. E. Waite.

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