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of our Globe with all its products, organic and inorg-anic—strange word<br />

for an Occultist to use !—is that the whole Kosmos has sprung from the<br />

Divine Thought. This Thought impregnates Matter, which is coeternal<br />

with the One Reality ; and all that lives and breathes evolves<br />

from the Emanations of the One Immutable, Parabrahman-Mulaprakriti,<br />

the Eternal One-Root. The former of these, in its aspect of the<br />

Central Point turned inward, so to say, into regions quite inaccessible<br />

to human intellect, is Absolute Abstraction ; whereas, in its aspect as<br />

Mulaprakriti, the Eternal Root of all, it gives one at least some hazy<br />

comprehension of the Mystery of Being.<br />

Therefore, it was taught in the inner temples that this visible Universe of Spirit<br />

and Matter is but the concrete Image of the ideal Abstraction; it was built on the<br />

Model of the first Divine Idea. Thus our Universe existed from eternity in a latent<br />

state. The Soul animating this purely spiritual Universe is the Central Sun, the<br />

highest Deity Itself.<br />

It was not the One who built the concrete form of the idea,<br />

but the First-Begotten ; and, as it was constructed on the geometrical figure of the<br />

dodecahedron,* the First-Begotten "was pleased to employ 12,000 years in its creation."<br />

The latter number is expressed in the Tyrrhenian Cosmogony, t which<br />

shows man created in the sixth millennium.<br />

This agrees with the Egyptian theory<br />

of 6,000 "years," J and with the Hebrew computation. But it is the exoteric form<br />

of it. The secret computation explains that the "12,000 and the 6,000 years" are<br />

Years of Brahmd, one Day of Brahma being equal to 4,320,000,000 years. Sanchuniathon,<br />

in his Cosmogony,^ declares that when the Wind (Spirit) became enamoured<br />

of its own principles (Chaos), an intimate union took place, which connection was<br />

called Pothos (tto^os), and from this sprang the seed of all. And the Chaos knew<br />

not its own production, for it was senseless; but from its embrace with the Wind<br />

was generated Mot, or the Ilus (Mud).|| From this proceeded the spores of creation<br />

and the generation of the Universe.H<br />

Zeus-Zen (^ther), and Chthonia (Chaotic Earth) and Metis (Water), his wives;<br />

Osiris—also representing .^ther, the first emanation of the Supreme Deity, Amun,<br />

the primeval source of Light—and Isis-Latona, the Goddess Earth and Water<br />

again; Mithras,** the rock-born God, the symbol of the male Mundane Fire, or the<br />

personified Primordial Light, and Mithra, the Fire-Goddess, at once his mother and<br />

his wife—the pure element of Fire, the active or male principle, regarded as light<br />

and heat, in conjunction with Earth and Water, or matter, the female,<br />

or passive,<br />

element of cosmical generation—Mithras who is the son of Bordj, the Persian<br />

• Plato, Timaus.<br />

+ Suidas, sub voc. "Tyrrhenia." See Cory's Ancient Fragments, p. 309, 2nd ed.<br />

X The reader will viiiderstand that by "years" is meant "ages," not mere periods of 13 lunar<br />

months each.<br />

\ See the Greek translation by Philon Byblius.<br />

II Cory, Op. cit., p. 3.<br />

ir Isis Unveiled, I. 342.<br />

•• Mithras was regarded among the Persians as the theos ek petyas—the God from the rock.

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