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The Mundane Egg.<br />

Whence this universal symbol The Egg was incorporated as a<br />

sacred sign in the Cosmogony of every people on the earth, and was<br />

revered both on account of its form and of its inner mystery. From<br />

the earliest mental conceptions of man, it has been known as that<br />

which represented most successfully the origin and secret of Being.<br />

The gradual development of the imperceptible germ within the closed<br />

shell ;<br />

the inward working, without any apparent outward interference<br />

of force, which from a latent nothing produced an active something,<br />

needing naught save heat ; and<br />

which, having gradually evolved into<br />

a concrete, living creature, broke its shell, appearing to the outward<br />

senses of all as a self-generated and self-created being; all this must<br />

have been a standing miracle from the beginning.<br />

The Secret Teaching explains the reason for this reverence by the<br />

symbolism of the prehistoric races. In the beginnings, the "First<br />

Cause" had no name. Later it was pictured in the fancy of the<br />

thinkers as an ever invisible, mysterious Bird that dropped an Egg into<br />

Chaos, which Egg became the Universe. Hence Brahma was called<br />

Kalahansa, the "Swan in [Space and] Time." Becoming the Swan of<br />

Eternity, Brahma, at the beginning of each Mahamanvantara, laj^s a<br />

Golden Egg, which typifies the great Circle, or O) itself a symbol for<br />

the Universe and its spherical bodies.<br />

A second reason for the Egg having been chosen as the s5^mbolical<br />

representation of the Universe, and of our Earth, was its form. It was<br />

a Circle and a Sphere; and the ovi-form shape of our Globe must have<br />

been known from the beginning of symbolog)'', since it was so universall}'<br />

adopted. The first manifestation of the Kosmos in the form<br />

of an Egg was the most widely diffused belief of Antiquity.<br />

As Br3^ant

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