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4^2<br />


Divinities.<br />

But these Divinities are simply the Prototypes of the First<br />

Race, the Fathers of their "mind-bom" progeny with the "soft bones."<br />

It is these who became the Evolvers of the "Sweat-born"—an expression<br />

explained in Volume II.<br />

"Created beings," explains the Vishnu Purana, "although they are<br />

destroyed [in. their individual forms] at the periods of dissolution, yet<br />

being affected by the good or evil acts oi former existences, are never<br />

exempted from their consequences. And when Brahma produces the<br />

world anew, they are the progeny of his will."<br />

''Collecting his mind into itself [yoga-willing], Brahma creates the<br />

Orders of Beings, termed Gods, Demons, Progenitors, and Men"<br />

four<br />

Progenitors here meaning the Prototypes and Evolvers of the first<br />

Root-Race of men. The Progenitors are the Pitris, and are of Seven<br />

Classes. They are said, in exoteric mythology, to be born of "Brahma's<br />

side," like Eve from the rib of Adam.<br />

Finally, the Sixth Creation is followed, and "Creation" in general<br />

closed by:<br />

(VII) The Seventh Creation : the evolution of the Arvaksrotas Beings,<br />

"which was . . . that of man."<br />

The "Eighth Creation" mentioned is no Creation at all: it is a<br />

"blind," for it refers to a purely mental process, the cognition of the<br />

"Ninth Creation," which, in its turn, is an effect, manifesting in the<br />

Secondary, of that which was a "Creation" in<br />

the Primary (Prakrita)<br />

Creation.* The Eighth, then, called Anugraha, the Pratyayasarga or<br />

Intellectual Creation of the Sankhyas,t is "the creation of which we<br />

have a jiotion [in its esoteric aspect], or to which we give intellectual<br />

assent (Anugraha), in contradistinction to organic creation^ It is the<br />

correct perception of our relations to the whole range of " Gods," and<br />

especially of those we bear to the Kumaras, the so-called "Ninth<br />

Creation," which is in reality an aspect, or reflection, of the Sixth in<br />

oar Manvantara (the Vaivasvata). "There is a ninth, the Kaumara<br />

Creation, which is both primary and secondary," says the Vishnu<br />

Purana, the oldest of such texts.| As an Esoteric text explains:<br />

• "These notions," remarks Professor Wilson, "the birth of Rudra and the saints, seem to have<br />

been borrowed from the Shaivas, and to have been awkwardly engrafted upon the Vaishnava system."<br />

The esoteric meaning ought to have been consulted before venturing such a hypothesis.<br />

+ See Sankhya KartkA, v. 46. p. 146.<br />

X Parashara, the Vedic Rishi, who received the Vishnu Purana from Pulastya and taught it to<br />

Maitreya, is placed by the Orientalists at various epochs. As correctly observed, in the Hindu<br />

Classical Dictionary: "Speculations as to his era differ widely, from 575 B.C. to 1391 B.C., and cannot<br />

be trusted." Quite so; but they are no more untrustworthy than any other date, as assigned by the<br />

Sanskritists, so famous in the department of arbitrary fancy.

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