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472 the; secret doctrine.<br />

One thing is thus undeniably proven. The more we study their<br />

Hierarchies and find out their identity, the more proofs we acquire<br />

that there is<br />

not one of the past or present personal Gods, known to<br />

us from the earliest days of history, that does not belong to the<br />

stage of cosmic manifestation.<br />

third<br />

In every religion we find the Concealed<br />

Deity forming the ground work; then the Ray therefrom, that falls into<br />

primordial Cosmic Matter, the first manifestation ;<br />

result, the dual Male and Female abstract Force personified,<br />

stage ;<br />

then the Androgyne<br />

the second<br />

this finally separates itself, in the third, into Seven Forces, called<br />

the Creative Powers by all the ancient religions, and the Virtues of<br />

God by the Christians. The later explanations and abstract metaphysical<br />

qualifications have not prevented the Roman and Greek<br />

Churches from worshipping these "Virtues" under the personifications<br />

and distinct names of the Seven Archangels. In the Book of Drusc/mjt*<br />

in the Talmud, a distinction between these groups is given which is the<br />

correct Kabalistical explanation.<br />

It says:<br />

There are three Groups (or Orders) of Sephiroth. ist. The Sephiroth called the<br />

"Divine Attributes" [abstract].<br />

2nd. The Physical or Sidereal Sephiroth [personal]<br />

—one group of seven, the other of ten. 3rd. The metaphysical Sephiroth, or periphrasis<br />

of Jehovah, who are the first three Sephiroth [Kether, Chokmah and Binah],<br />

the rest of the seven being the (personal) seven Spirits of the Presence [also of the<br />

planets].<br />

The same division has to be applied to the primary, secondary and<br />

tertiary evolution of Gods in every Theogony, if one wishes to translate<br />

the meaning esoterically. We must not confuse the purely metaphysical<br />

personifications of the abstract attributes of Deity, with their<br />

reflection—the Sidereal Gods. This reflection, however, is in reality<br />

the objective expression of the abstraction; living Entities and the<br />

models formed on that divine Prototype. Moreover, the three metaphysical<br />

Sephiroth, or the "periphrasis of Jehovah," are w^/ Jehovah.<br />

It is the latter himself, with the additional titles of Adonai, Klohim,<br />

Sabbaoth, and the numerous names lavished on him, who is the periphrasis<br />

of the Shaddai Old)), the Omnipotent. The name is a circumlocution,<br />

indeed, a too abundant figure of Jewish rhetoric, and has<br />

always been denounced by the Occultists. To the Jewish Kabalists,<br />

and even the Christian Alchemists and Rosicrucians, Jehovah was a<br />

convenient screai, unified by the folding of its many panels, and adopted<br />

* First Treatise, p. 59.

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