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Stuff or Cosmic Substance, eternally homogeneous, except during its<br />

periodic existence; then, universally diifused throughout infinite Space,<br />

it differentiates, and gradually forms sidereal bodies from itself They<br />

taught the revolution of the Heavens, the Earth's rotation, the Heliocentric<br />

System, and the Atomic Vortices—Atoms being in reality<br />

Souls and Intelligences. These "Atomists" were spiritual, most transcendental,<br />

and philosophical Pantheists. It is not they who would<br />

have ever conceived or dreamed that monstrous contrasted progeny, the<br />

nightmare of our modern civilized race : inanimate material and selfguiding<br />

Atoms, on the one hand, and an extra-cosmic God on the other.<br />

It may be useful to show what the Monad was, and what its origin,<br />

in the teachings of the old Initiates.<br />

Modern exact Science, as soon as it<br />

began to grow out of its teens,<br />

perceived the great, and to it hitherto esoteric, axiom, that nothing,<br />

whether in the spiritual, psychic, or physical realm of Being, could<br />

come into existence out of nothing. There is no cause in the manifested<br />

Universe without its adequate effects, whether in Space or Time;<br />

nor can there be an effect without its primal cause, which itself owes<br />

its existence to a still higher one—the final and absolute Cause having^<br />

to remain to man for ever an incomprehensible Causeless Cause. But<br />

even this is no solution, and must be viewed, if at all, from the highest<br />

philosophical and metaphysical standpoints, otherwise the problem had<br />

better be left unapproached. It is an abstraction, on the verge of which<br />

human reason—however trained in metaphysical subtleties—trembles,<br />

threatening to collapse. This may be demonstrated to any European,<br />

who would undertake to solve the problem of existence, by the articles<br />

of faith of the true Vedantin for instance. Let him read and study the<br />

sublime teachings of Shankaracharya, on the subject of Soul and<br />

Spirit, and the reader will realize what is now said.*<br />

While the Christian is taught that the human Soul is a breath of<br />

God, being created by him for sempiternal existence, having a beginning,<br />

but no end—and therefore never to be called eternal—the Occult<br />

Teaching says: Nothing is created, it is only transformed. Nothing<br />

can manifest itself in this Universe—from a globe down to a vague,<br />

rapid thought—that was not in the Universe already; everything on<br />

the subjective plane is an eternal is; as everything on the objective<br />

plane is an ever-decoming—heceiuse all is transitor5^<br />

* Vtveka ChUd&mani, translated by Mohini M. Chatterji, as "The Crest Jewel of \/isdoJii." See<br />

Theosophist, July and August, 1886.

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