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ON THE ELEMENTS. 499<br />

the two principles from which Ulom, the Intelligible (vorjrcx;) God, the<br />

visible Universe of Matter, is born.*<br />

In the Orphic hymns, the Eros-Phanes evolves from the Spiritual<br />

Egg, which the Ethereal Winds impregnate, Wind being the "Spirit<br />

of God," which is said to move in ^ther, "brooding over the Chaos,"<br />

the Divine Idea, In the Hindu Kathopariishad, Purusha, the Divine<br />

Spirit, already stands before the Original Matter, and from their union<br />

springs the great Soul of the World, "Maha-Atma, Brahman, the Spirit<br />

of Life";t these latter appellations being again identical with the Universal<br />

Soul, or Anima Mundi ; the Astral Eight of the Theurgists and<br />

Kabalists being its last and lowest division.<br />

The Elements (o-rotxcta) of Plato and Aristotle w^ere thus the incori)oreal<br />

principles attached to the four great divisions of our Cosmic<br />

World, and it is with justice that Creuzer defines these primitive beliefs<br />

as "a species of magism, 2^ psychic paganism, and a deification of potencies;<br />

a spiritualization which placed the believers in a close community with<br />

these potencies.":]: So close, indeed, that the Hierarchies of these<br />

Potencies, or Forces, have been classified on a graduated scale of seven<br />

from the ponderable to the imponderable. They are septenary, not as<br />

an artificial aid to facilitate their comprehension, but in their real<br />

cosmic gradation, from their chemical, or physical, to their purely<br />

spiritual composition. Gods with the ignorant masses; Gods independent<br />

and supreme ; Demons with the fanatics, who, intellectual as they<br />

often may be, are unable to understand the spirit of the philosophical<br />

sentence, in pluribus tmum. With the Hermetic philosopher they are<br />

Forces relatively "blind" or "intelligent," according to which of the<br />

principles in them he deals with.<br />

It required long millenniums before<br />

they found themselves finally, in our cultured age, degraded into<br />

simple chemical elements.<br />

At any rate, good Christians, and especially the Biblical Protestants,<br />

ought to show more reverence for the Four Elements, if they would<br />

maintain any for Moses. For the Bible manifests the consideration and<br />

mystic significance in which they were held by the Hebrew Lawgiver,<br />

on every page of the Pentateuch. The tent which contained the Holy<br />

of Holies was a Cosmic Symbol, sacred, in one of its meanings, to the<br />

Elements, the four cardinal points, and Ether.<br />

Josephus shows it built<br />

in white, the colour of Ether. And this explains also why, in the<br />

Egyptian and the Hebrew temples, according to Clemens Alexan-<br />

• Movers, Phoinizer, 282. t Weber, Akad. Varies, 213, 214, etc. X IX. 850.

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