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a gas ; the very word gas, from geist, a ghost or spirit, affords us an instance of the<br />

gradual transmutation of a spiritual into a physical conception.*<br />

This, the great man of Science, in his<br />

his work, considers to<br />

no business to meddle with the causes.<br />

preface to the sixth edition of<br />

be the 07ily concern of exact Science, which has<br />

Cause and effect are, therefore, in their abstract relation to these forces, words<br />

solely of convenience. We are totally unacquainted with the ultimate generating<br />

power of each and all of them, and probably shall ever remain so; we can only<br />

ascertain the normal of their actions; we must humbly refer their causation to one<br />

omnipresent influence, and content ourselves with studying their effects and developing,<br />

by experiment, their mutual relations, t<br />

This policy once accepted, and the<br />

system virtually admitted in the<br />

above-quoted words, namely, the spirituality of the "ultimate generating<br />

power," it would be more than illogical to refuse to recognize this<br />

quality which is inherent in the material elements, or rather, in their<br />

compounds, as present in the fire, air, water or earth. The Ancients<br />

knew these powers so well, that, while concealing their true nature<br />

under various allegories, for the benefit, or to the detriment, of the<br />

uneducated rabble, they never departed from the multiple object in<br />

view, while inverting them. They contrived to throw a thick veil over<br />

the tiucleus of truth concealed by the symbol, but they ever tried to<br />

preserve the latter as<br />

a record for future generations, sufficiently transparent<br />

to allow their wise men to discern the truth behind the fabulous<br />

form of the glyph or allegor>\ These ancient sages are accused of<br />

superstitioti and credulity; and this too by the very nations, which,<br />

though learned in all the modern arts and sciences, and cultured and<br />

wise in their generation, accept to this day as their one living and<br />

God, the anthropomorphic "Jehovah" of the Jews!<br />

What were some of these alleged "superstitions" Hesiod believed,<br />

infinite<br />

for instance, that "the winds were the sons of the Giant Typhoeus,"<br />

who were chained and unchained at will by ^olus, and the polyi;heistic<br />

Greeks accepted it along with Hesiod. Why should they not, since the<br />

monotheistic Jews had the same beliefs, with other names for their<br />

dramatis persona:, and since Christians believe in the same to this day<br />

The Hesiodic ^olus, Boreas, etc., were named Kedem, Tzephuni,<br />

Derum, and Ruach Hayum by the "chosen people" of Israel. What<br />

is, then, the fundamental difference While the Hellenes were taught<br />

that .^olus tied and untied the winds, the Jews believed as<br />

fervently<br />

The Correlation of Physical Forces, p. 89.<br />

t Ibid., xiv.

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