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SECRET.*<br />

xvii. The Initial Existence, in the first Twilight of the Mahdfnanvantara<br />

[after the Mahdpralaya thatfollows every Age of Brahma\, is a CON-<br />

SCIOUS Spiritual Quality. In the Manifested Worlds [Solar Systems'],<br />

it is, in its Objective Subjectivity, like the film front a Divine Breath to the<br />

gaze of the entranced seer.<br />

It spreads as it issues from Laya\ throtcghout<br />

Infinity as a colourless spiritual fluid. It is on the Seve7ith Pla7ie, and in<br />

its<br />

Seventh State, in our Planetary World.%<br />

xviii. It is Substance to OUR spiritual sight. It cannot be called so by<br />

men in their Waking State; therefore they have named it in their ignorance<br />

" God-Spirit."<br />

xix. // exists everywhere and forms the first Upddhi [Foundation']^ on<br />

which our World [Solar System^ is built. Outside the latter, it is to be<br />

found in its pristine purity only between [the Solar Systems or'] the Stars<br />

of the Universe, the Worlds already formed or formi7ig; those in Laya<br />

resting meanwhile in its bosom,. As its substa^ice is of a differ-ent kind<br />

from that known on Earth, the inhabitants of the latter,<br />

seeiyig Through<br />

IT, believe in their illusion and ignorance that it is empty space. There is<br />

7iot 07ie finger's breadth [a7igula] of void Space in the whole Boundless<br />

[Universe]. . .<br />

XX. Matter or Substa7ice is septe7iary within our World, as it is so<br />

beyo7id it. Moreova\ each of its states or principles is g7'aduatcd i7ito seven<br />

degrees of density. Surya [the Sun], m its visible reflection, exhibits the<br />

first or lowest state of the seventh, the highest state of the U7iiv€rsal<br />

Presence, the pure of the pure, the first manifested Breath of the Ever-<br />

Unma7iifested Sat [Be-ness]. All the central physical or objective Siins<br />

are i7i<br />

their substa7ice the lowest state of the first pri7iciple of the B7'eath.<br />

Nor are any of these a7iy more tha7i the Reflectio7is of their Pri77iaries, which<br />

are concealed from the gaze of all but the Dhyd7i Chohans, whose corporeal<br />

substance belongs to the fifth divisio7i of the seve7ith p7'inciple of the Mother-<br />

Substance, a7td is,<br />

therefore, four degrees higher than the solar reflected substa7ice.<br />

As there are seven Dhdtu [principal siibstances iji the human<br />

body], so there are seven Forces i7i Man a7id i7i all Nature.<br />

xxi. The real substance of the Concealed [Sun] is a nucleus of Mother-<br />

• This teaching does not refer to Prakriti-Purusha beyond the boundaries of our small universe,<br />

t The ultimate quiescent state; the Nir\'anic condition of the Seventh Principle.<br />

X The teaching is all given from our plane of consciousness.

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