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theories with regard to the evolution of Atoms—their last formation<br />

into compound chemical molecules being produced within our terrestrial<br />

workshops in the Karth's atmosphere and not elsewhere—as<br />

strangely agreeing with the evolution of Atoms shown on Mr. Crookes'<br />

plates. Several times already it has been stated in this volume that<br />

Marttanda, the Sun, had evolved and aggregated, together with his<br />

seven smaller Brothers, from his Mother Aditi's bosom, that bosom<br />

being Prima Maier-ia—the lecturer's primordial Protyle. Esoteric<br />

Doctrines teach the existence of<br />

An antecedent form of energy having periodic cycles of ebb and swell, rest and<br />

activity.*<br />

And behold a great scholar in Science now asking the world to<br />

accept this as one of his postulates! We have shown the "Mother,"<br />

fiery and hot, becoming gradually cool and radiant, and this same<br />

Scientist claims as his second postulate—a scientific necessity, it would<br />

seem<br />

An internal action, akin to cooling, operating slowly in the protyle.<br />

Occult Science teaches that the "Mother" lies stretched in Infinity,<br />

during Pralaya, as the great Deep, the ''dry Waters of Space," according<br />

to the quaint expression in the Catechism, and becomes wet only<br />

after the separation and the moving over its face of Narayana, the<br />

Spirit zvhich is ijivisible Flame, which never burns, but sets on fire all<br />

that it touches, and gives it life and generation.]<br />

And now Science tells us that "the first-born element . . . most<br />

nearly allied to protyle" would be ''hydrogen . . . which for some<br />

time would be the only existing form of matter" in the Universe.<br />

What says Old Science It answers: Just so; but we would call<br />

ilydrogen (and Oxygen), which—in the pre-geological and even pre-<br />

^enetic ages—instils the fire of life into the "Mother" by incubation, the<br />

spirit, the noumeyion, of that which becomes in its grossest form Oxygen<br />

and Hydrogen and Nitrogen on Earth—Nitrogen being of no divine<br />

origin, but merely an earth-born cement for uniting other gases and<br />

fluids, and serving as a sponge to carry in itself the Breath of Eife,<br />

pure air.:!: Before these gases and fluids become what they are in our<br />

atmosphere, they are interstellar Ether; still earlier and on a deeper<br />

plane—something else, and so on in infinitum. The eminent and<br />

learned gentleman must pardon an Occultist for quoting him at<br />

• Ibid., p. 21.<br />

+ "The Ivord is a consuniiug^r«." "In him was life, and the life was the light of men."<br />

X Which if separated alchcmically would yield the Spirit of Life, and its Elixir.<br />


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