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their evil and cruel deeds.<br />

daily to "our Father, in Heaven," and not to<br />

"Lead us not into temptation" is addressed<br />

the Devil, by millions of<br />

Christian hearts. This they do, repeating the very words put into the<br />

mouth of their Saviour, and yet do not give one thought to the fact<br />

that their meaning is contradicted point blank by James, "the brother<br />

of the Lord":<br />

Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God : for God cannot be<br />

tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man.*<br />

Why, then, say that it is the Devil who tempts us, when the Church<br />

teaches us, 07i the aiitho7'ity of Christ, that it is God who does so Open<br />

any pious volume in which the word "temptation" is defined in its<br />

theological sense, and forthwith you find two definitions<br />

(I) Those afflictions and troubles whereby God tries his people; (2) Those means<br />

and enticements which the Devil makes use of to ensnare and allure mankind, t<br />

Accepted literally, the teachings of Christ and James contradict each<br />

other, and what dogma can reconcile the two if the Occult meaning is<br />

rejected<br />

Between the alternative allurements, wise will be that philosopher<br />

who will be able to decide where God disappears to make room for the<br />

Devil! Therefore, when we read that "the Devil is a liar and the<br />

father of it," that is an incarnate lie, and are also told in the same<br />

breath that Satan, the Devil, was a Son of God and the most beautiful<br />

of his Archangels, rather than believe that Father and Son are a<br />

gigantic, personified and eternal Lie, we prefer to turn to Pantheism<br />

and to Pagan philosophy for information.<br />

Once that the key to Genesis is in our hands, the scientific and symbolical<br />

Kabalah unveils the secret. The Great Serpent of the Garden<br />

of Eden and the "Lord God" are identical, and so are Jehovah and<br />

Cain—that Cain who is referred to in Theology as the "murderer" and<br />

the Liar to God! Jehovah tempts the King of Israel to number the<br />

people, and Satan tempts him to do the same in another place. Jehovah<br />

turns into the Fiery Serpents to bite those he is displeased with<br />

and Jehovah informs the Brazen Serpent that heals them.<br />

These short, and seemingly contradictory, statements in the Old<br />

Testa^nent—contradictory because the two Powers are separated instead<br />

of being regarded as the two faces of one and the same thing—are the<br />

echoes, distorted out of recognition by exotericism and theology, of<br />

the universal and philosophical dogmas in<br />

Nature, so well understood<br />

* James, i. 13. t James, i. 2, 12; Matth., vi. 13. See Cruden, sub voc.

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