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444 'J'^^ SECRET DOCTRINE.<br />

Night, or the Sun and Moon. Then the Hosts of the Solar and I^unar<br />

Deities were made to represent them, and the Dragon of Darkness was<br />

contrasted with the Dragon of I^ight. The Host of Satan is a Son of<br />

God, no less than the Host of the B'ne Alhim, the Children of God who<br />

came to "present themselves before the I^ord," their Father.* "The<br />

Sons of God" become the "Fallen Angels" only after perceiving that<br />

the daughters of men were fair. \<br />

In the Indian philosophy, the Suras<br />

are among the earliest and the brightest Gods, and become Asuras only<br />

when dethroned by Brahmanical fancy, Satan never assumed an<br />

anthropomorphic, individualized shape, until<br />

the creation by man, of<br />

a "one /z7;z«o- personal God," had been accomplished; and then merely<br />

as a matter of prime necessity. A screen was needed; a scape-goat to<br />

explain the cruelty, blunders, and but too-evident injustice, perpetrated<br />

by him for whom absolute perfection, mercy and goodness were<br />

claimed. This was the first Karmic effect of abandoning a philosophical<br />

and logical Pantheism, to build, as a prop for lazy man, "a<br />

merciful Father in Heaven," whose daily and hourly actions, as Natura<br />

Naturans, the "comely Mother but stone cold," belie the assumption.<br />

This led to the primal twins, Osiris-Typhon, Ormazd-Ahriman, and<br />

finally Cain-Abel and the tutti quaiiti of contraries.<br />

Having commenced by being synonymous with Nature, "God," the<br />

Creator, ended by being made its author. Pascal settles the difficulty<br />

very cunningly by saying:<br />

Nature has perfections, in order to show that she is the image of God; and<br />

defects, in order to show that she is only his image.<br />

The further back one recedes into the darkness of the prehistoric<br />

ages, the more philosophical does the prototypic figure of the later<br />

Satan appear. The first "Adversary," in individual human form, that<br />

one meets with in old Puranic literature, is one of her greatest Rishis<br />

and Yogis—Narada, surnamed the "Strife-maker."<br />

And he is a Brahmaputra, a son of Brahma, the male. But of him<br />

later on. Who the great "Deceiver" really is, one can ascertain by<br />

searching for him, with open eyes and an unprejudiced mind, in every<br />

old Cosmogony and Scripture.<br />

It is<br />

the anthropomorphized Demiurge, the Creator of Heaven and<br />

Earth, when separated from the collective Hosts of his Fellow-Creators,<br />

whom, so to speak, he represents and synthesizes. It is now the God<br />

of Theologies. "The wish is father to the thought." Once upon a<br />

• Job, ii.<br />

+ Genesis, vi.

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