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And though it is impossible for any Occultist or student of Eastern<br />

Esotericism to concur in the strange idea t lat, "the religious conceptions<br />

of the most famous nations of antiquity are connected with the<br />

beginnings of civilization amongst the Germanic races,"* he is yet glad<br />

to find such truths expressed as that: "These fairy tales are not senseless<br />

stories written for the amusement of the idle; they embody the<br />

profound religion of our forefathers."!<br />

Precisely so. Not only their Religion, but likewise their History.<br />

For a myth, in Greek fj-vOos, means oral tradition, passed from mouth to<br />

mouth from one generation to the other; and even in the mpdern<br />

etymology the term stands for a fabulous statement conveying some<br />

important truth; a tale of some extraordinary personage whose biography<br />

has become overgrown, owing to the veneration of successive<br />

generations, with rich popular fancy, but which is no wholesale fable.<br />

Like our ancestors, the primitive Aryans, we believe firmly in the<br />

personality and intelligence of more than one phenomenon-producing<br />

Force in Nature.<br />

As time rolled on, the archaic teaching grew dimmer; and the<br />

nations more or less<br />

lost sight of the Highest and One Principle of all<br />

things, and began to transfer the abstract attributes of the<br />

Cause to the caused effects, which became in<br />

Causeless<br />

their turn causative, the<br />

Creative Powers of the Universe; the great nations thus acted from<br />

fear of profaning the Idea ; the smaller, because they either failed to<br />

grasp it, or lacked the power of philosophic conception needed to<br />

preserve it in all its immaculate purity. But one and all, with the<br />

exception of the latest Aryans, now become Europeans and Christians,<br />

show this veneration in their Cosmogonies. As Thomas Taylor, J the<br />

most intuitional of all the translators of the Greek Fragments, shows,<br />

no nation has ever conceived the One Principle as the immediate<br />

creator of the visible Universe, for no sane man would credit a planner<br />

and architect with having built with his own hands the edifice he<br />

admires. On the testimony of Damascius in his work. On First<br />

Principles (Hcpi npwrwi' 'Apx^v), they referred to it as the " Unknovv^n<br />

Darkness." The Babylonians passed over this principle in silence.<br />

"To that God," says Porphyry, in his O71 Abstinence (He/at a.Tro^i/'i;xt»)v), "who is above all things, neither external speech ought to<br />

be addressed, nor yet that which is inward." Hesiod begins his<br />

» Ibid., p. 2. + Ibid., p. 21. X See The Monthly Magazine, for April, 1797.

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