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the Pythagoreans to be the author of all sublunary things. The four points at the<br />

base of the Pythagorean triangle correspond with a solid or cube, which combines<br />

the principles of length, breadth, and thickness, for no solid can have less than<br />

four extreme boundary points.*<br />

It is argued that "the human mind cannot conceive an indivisible<br />

unit short of the annihilation of the idea with its subject." This is an<br />

error, as the Pythagoreans have proved, and a number of Seers before<br />

them, although there is a special training needed for the conception,<br />

and although the profane mind can hardly grasp it. But there are<br />

such things as '' Meta-mat/ie77iatics" and '' Meta-geomeiryr Even Mathematics<br />

pure and simple proceed from the universal to the particular,<br />

from the mathematical indivisible point to solid figures. The teaching<br />

originated in India, and was taught in Europe by Pythagoras, who,<br />

throwing a veil over the Circle and the Point—which no living man<br />

can define except as incomprehensible abstractions—laid<br />

the origin of<br />

the differentiated cosmic Matter in the base of the Triangle. Thus the<br />

latter became the earliest of geometrical figures. The author of New<br />

Aspects of Life, dealing with the Kabalistic Mysteries, objects to the<br />

objectivization, so to speak, of the Pythagorean conception and the<br />

use of the equilateral triangle, and calls it a "misnomer." His argument<br />

that a solid equilateral body<br />

One whose base, as well as each of its sides, form equal triangles—must have<br />

four co-equal sides or surfaces, while a triangular plane will as necessarily possess<br />

five,t<br />

—demonstrates on the contrary the grandeur of the conception in<br />

all its Esoteric application to the idea of the pregencsis, and the genesis<br />

of Kosmos. Granted, that an ideal Triangle, depicted by mathematical,<br />

imaginary lines.<br />

Can have no sides at all, being simply a phantom of the mind to which, if sides<br />

be imputed, these must be the sides of the object it constructively represents. J<br />

But in such case most of the scientific hypotheses are no better than<br />

"phantoms of the mind" ; they are unverifiable, except on inference,<br />

and have been adopted merely to answer scientific necessities. Furthermore,<br />

the ideal Triangle— "as the abstract idea of a triangular body,<br />

and, therefore, as the type of an abstract idea"—accomplished and<br />

carried out to perfection the double symbolism intended. As an<br />

emblem applicable to the objective idea, the simple triangle became a<br />

solid. When repeated in stone, facing the four cardinal points, it<br />

* Pythagorean Triangle, by the Rev. G. Oliver, pp. 18, 19. t P. 387. t P. 387.

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